MongoDB Cloud is a unified data platform for modern applications that includes a global cloud database, search, data lake, and mobile and application services.
Drivers With more than a dozen drivers for most popular languages, use a library that lets you write queries idiomatically in your application. Get started with Atlas today Get started in seconds. Our free clusters come with 512 MB of storage so you can experiment with sample data and get or...
让数据成为代码根据您的编程语言,将 MongoDB 文档直接映射到对象。随时间的推移,修改您的应用架构。 专注构建,而非管理无论是不间断的安全性,还是时间点的数据恢复,让 MongoDB Atlas 帮您处理大规模性能所需的基础设施操作。 让数据依赖更简单只需单个 API 和少量的数据移动,就可以利用应用数据进行全文搜索、实时...
MongoDB Cloud Services MongoDB Atlas, our developer data platform, is a cloud-native, integrated suite of database tools and services that simplify and accelerate modern application development. Try Free MongoDB Atlas At its core, MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database built on the do...
MongoDB Atlas MongoDB官方提供的 DBaaS 服务(Database as a Service),目前支持在 Amazon AWS 上构建 MongoDB 的云服务,未来有可能会支持更多的云厂商( 例如 Azure、Alibaba Cloud等)并通过Cloud Manager + compass 来提供可视化的数据管理。 地址:
Download MongoDB Using homebrewbrew install mongosh Building SeeBuilding MongoDB. Running For command line options invoke: $ ./mongod --help To run a single server database: $ sudo mkdir -p /data/db $ ./mongod $ $#The mongosh shell connects...
要用AtlasUI创建一个MongoDB数据库,请打开一个浏览器窗口并登录到。从你的集群页面,点击Browse Collections。如果集群中没有数据库,你可以通过点击Add My Own Data按钮创建你的数据库。 提示将要求你提供一个数据库和集合的名称。一旦你命名了它们,点击Create,你就完成了! 现在你可以输入...
Try MongoDB Atlas products free. Developers can choose to use in the cloud or download locally. Either way, our software makes it easy to work with data.
How to create an Atlas cluster, connect to it, and load sample data using the Atlas CLI or user interface.
MongoDB官方提供了社区版的Compass,可以独立安装使用,也提供了云服务器版本MongoDB Atlas。商业版本的MongoDB必须购买其订阅。MongoDB Atlas旨在在AWS,Azure和Google Cloud等云平台上运行。阿里云MongoDB数据库也提供了基于Web的管理工具。免费使用。 MongoDB自带的Shell命令行工具,大家应该很熟悉了。