让数据成为代码根据您的编程语言,将 MongoDB 文档直接映射到对象。随时间的推移,修改您的应用架构。 专注构建,而非管理无论是不间断的安全性,还是时间点的数据恢复,让 MongoDB Atlas 帮您处理大规模性能所需的基础设施操作。 让数据依赖更简单只需单个 API 和少量的数据移动,就可以利用应用数据进行全文搜索、实时...
MongoDB Atlas 是唯一一款能够加快使用数据进行构建的速度并简化构建方式的多云开发者数据平台。立即开始免费试用!
Try MongoDB Atlas products free. Developers can choose to use in the cloud or download locally. Either way, our software makes it easy to work with data.
mongodb atlas get started for free in minutes sign up test enterprise advanced develop with mongodb on-premises download try community edition explore the latest version of mongodb download resources documentation atlas documentation get started using atlas server documentation learn to use mongodb ...
首先我们需要先设置环境变量来连接我们的 MongoDB Atlas 数据库。在.env文件中间添加 MongoDB Atlas 连接字符串。 示例: DATABASE_URL="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster>.mongodb.net/prisma?retryWrites=true&w=majority" 你可以在 Atlas 的仪表盘中得到你的连接字符串。
Sign up for a free MongoDB Atlas account to get started.Creating a ClusterAfter you have created your account, set up a free "Shared Cluster" then choose your preferred cloud provider and region.By default, MongoDB Atlas is completely locked down and has no external access....
手順 1 ~ 4 (Atlas アカウントの作成、無料クラスターのデプロイ、IP アクセス リストへの IP の追加、データベース ユーザーの作成) に従って、Atlas 環境をセットアップします。Atlas で Data API を有効にするのは こちら。
MongoDB Atlas comes with a full-text search engine that can be used to search for documents in a collection.Atlas Search is powered by Apache Lucene.Creating an IndexWe'll use the Atlas dashboard to create an index on the "sample_mflix" database from the sample data that we loaded in ...
Sign up for MongoDB Atlasto deploy a free cluster and connect securely with your AWS applications and services. Learn more aboutAWS PrivateLink with MongoDB Atlas. . . MongoDB – AWS Partner Spotlight MongoDBis an AWS Competency Partner. Their modern, general purpose database platform, i...
Instantaneous scalability: With theAutoscalefeature, your database scales instantaneously with zero warmup period. Other MongoDB offerings such as MongoDB Atlas can take hours to scale up and up to days to scale down. Automatic and transparent sharding: The API for MongoDB manages all of the ...