在MongoDB Cloud Manager 中,转到Project Settings页面。 如果尚未显示,请选择包含所需项目的组织导航栏中的Organizations菜单。 如果尚未显示,请从导航栏的Projects菜单中选择所需的项目。 在Projects(项目)菜单旁边,展开Options(选项)菜单,然后单击Project Settings(项目设置)。
When you create a project, you are added as anProject Ownerfor the project. Procedure To create a new project using the Atlas CLI, run the following command: atlas projects create <projectName> [options] To learn more about the command syntax and parameters, see the Atlas CLI documentation ...
2: For the "BaseUrl", enter the URL Endpoint you find in the MongoDB Atlas portal-> Data API. Use one of the Data APIs for any CRUD operations against MongoDB Atlas. For complex queries, use the "Run an Aggregation Pipeline" API to use aggregation stages to massage the output from ...
Data Explorer allows you to view, create, and drop databases, collections, and indexes in your cluster. In addition, you can insert, edit, and delete documents, as well as create and run aggregation pipelines to process your data. Note that Data Explorer is a feature within Atlas that allow...
public MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset() Creates an instance of MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset class.Method Details collection public Object collection() Get the collection property: The collection name of the MongoDB Atlas database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the collect...
MongoDbAtlasSource.type() Returns: the type value.validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Overrides: MongoDbAtlasSource.validate() withAdditionalColumns public MongoDbAtlasSource withAdditionalColumns(Object additionalColumns) Set the additionalColumns property: Specifies the additional colum...
public MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset() Creates an instance of MongoDbAtlasCollectionDataset class.Method Details collection public Object collection() Get the collection property: The collection name of the MongoDB Atlas database. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the colle...
Atlas Device SDK 已弃用。 有关详细信息,请参阅弃用页面。 您可以使用 Realm Node.js SDK 的 MongoDB 客户端和查询API 直接从客户端应用程序代码中查询存储在 MongoDB Atlas 中的数据。Atlas App Services 提供针对集合的数据访问规则,以便根据登录的用户或每个文档的内容安全地检索结果。
Atlas requires a tls connection, so now it is possible to connect to this cloud service. When creating a cluster Atlas shows you three ways of connecting: Mongo shell, Driver and MongoDb Compass Application. The connection string is in Seedlist Connection Format (starts with mongodb+srv://)...
MongoDBAtlas 是一个在云端的数据库,免去了数据库的搭建、维护,通过其提供的 WebUI能够让你在 5 分钟之内快速搭建一个 Clusters。Node.js 是一个 JavaScript 的运行时,在 JavaScript 中函数做为一等公民,享有着很高的待遇,通常使用 Node.js 我们可以快速的搭建一个服务,而ServerLess是一种 “无服务器架构”,从...