The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major ...
I should say that I'm not in favor of keeping the raw namespacing myself. I'm using more and morerawmethods, now there isasync/awaitsupport. I'm moving all database communication intoapollo resolvers. The db is there injected trough the context, and all collections arerawCollections. Mar...
63 // not encrypted. 64 // Try - query on the ssn field. What is returned? 65 const regularFindResult = await regularClientPatientsColl.findOne({ 66 name: "Jon Doe" 67 }) 68 console.log("Document retreived with regular client:\n", regularFindResult) 69 70 await regu...
it.skip('the rtt pinger timer is cleaned up by client.close()', async () => { // helloReply has a topologyVersion defined }); }); }); describe('Connection', () => { describe('Node.js resource: Socket', () => { describe('when rtt monitoring is turned on', () => { it...
Assert.notNull(update,"Update must not be null!"); UpdateOptionsoptions=newUpdateOptions(); options.upsert(upsert); query.getCollation().map(Collation::toMongoCollation).ifPresent(options::collation); if(multi){ models.add(newUpdateManyModel<>(query.getQueryObject(),update.getUpdateObject(),opti...
Assert.notNull(document,"Document must not be null!"); if(documentinstanceofDocument){ models.add(newInsertOneModel<>((Document)document)); returnthis; } Documentsink=newDocument(); mongoOperations.getConverter().write(document,sink);
after a connection is created, it is placed in the pool and it is used over again so that a new connection does not have to be established. If all the connections are being used, a new connection is made and is added to the pool. Connection pooling also cuts down on the amount of ...
after a connection is created, it is placed in the pool and it is used over again so that a new connection does not have to be established. If all the connections are being used, a new connection is made and is added to the pool. Connection pooling also cuts down on the amount of ...
This is really important because you can fully integrate the video in the Delphi form and you can place any controls you want on the top of it as it's support Z-ORDER. Official Delphi video player are just native video player window on the top of the form and thus not supporting Z-...
This is really important because you can fully integrate the video in the delphi form and you can place any controls you want on the top of it as it's support Z-ORDER. Official delphi video player are just native video player window on the top of the form and thus not supporting Z-...