Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused 如下: connecting to: test2021-07-21T16:49:42.932+0800W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to127.0.0.1:27017, reason: errno:111Connection refused2021-07-21T16:49:42.933+0800E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't conne...
1 MongoNetworkError: connection establishment was cancelled 2 node.js - Error: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED] 1 Can not connect on Mongodb port 27017 0 MongoDB doesn't conn...
MongoDB连接异常: MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [] on first connect [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1054:14) { name: ‘MongoNetworkError’, [Symbol(mongoErrorContextSymbol)]: {}HH2019 2020-...
root@localhost:/#mongo MongoDB shell version:3.2.13connecting to: test2017-05-31T07:40:34.548-0700W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to127.0.0.1:27017,in(checking socketforerrorafter poll), reason: errno:111Connection refused2017-05-31T07:40:34.549-0700E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn'...
2019-11-09T10:56:56.226+0800 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused 2019-11-09T10:56:56.227+0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed : ...
Connecting to: mongodb:// MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED 如果我使用私有IP而不是127.0.0.1,我也会有同样的错误。 我错过了什么? 根据文档,尝试以下方式连接: ...
2019-11-09T10:56:56.226+0800 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed to connect to, in(checking socket for error after poll), reason: Connection refused 2019-11-09T10:56:56.227+0800 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed : ...
success connection to port 3000 (node:16767) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [MongoNetworkError : connect ECONNREFUSED] at Pool.<anonymous> (/Users/hatchery/Documents/nodejs/fxexpress/node_modules/mon...
However, when I try to access I receive anet::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDerror. As far as I can tell, mongoDB is not installed on the server. Is the URL I am using incorrect, or is there additional set up I need to do?
node返回error: MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [] on first connect [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED 服务器无响应。 备注:本人用的是阿里云服务器,,已将mongod.cfg的bindIp改为0.0.0.0,防火墙已关闭,已添加入站规则的端口27017。 xiaoxu 发表新评论 2021...