Enables proxy support feature flag (COMPASS-8167). Bug Fixes: Stream import errors to the log file with proper back pressure (COMPASS-7820). In the bulk update preview, convert array indexes from strings to numbers (COMPASS-8218). Bump shell-bson-parser to 1.1.2 (MONGOSH-1859). Full Chan...
Select the installer you prefer. The MongoDB Compass installer is available as a.exeor.msipackage or a.ziparchive. Download the latest version of MongoDB Compass for Windows. Download Compass Download and Install Compass Install Compass Double-click the installer file. ...
Compass requires MongoDB 3.6+. In 1.29 we start using some session-related features only available in 3.6+ that allow us to let users terminate queries. Could you please add this information for Compass download page, so the people will have able to right choice which version need to download...
Installing Compass You can install compass using theinstall_compassscript packaged with MongoDB: $ ./install_compass This will download the appropriate MongoDB Compass package for your platform and install it. Drivers Client drivers for most programming languages are available athttps://docs.mongodb....
MongoDB的安装非常简单,在下载完成后,接直接双击下载好的MongoDB安装包,进入MongoDB安装界面,点击Next下一步、同意条款、选择安装路径 和 日志路径、勾选是否安装MongoDB Compass(MongoDB数据库图形管理工具,类似MySQL的Navicat ),其它的步骤一直点下一步直到完成安装就OK啦。 点击开始安装: 选择MongoDB安装方式: 选择...
9. MongoDB Compass Image Source A go-to tool of MongoDB, Compass is astand-aloneapplication. You can analyze the contents of your data in the MongoDB database without the knowledge of MongoDB query syntax. It is a MongoDB dashboard open source tool and can also be used for optimized ...
MongoDB Compass First, you need to go to the official website to download the installation package. If you are using MacOS, after clicking the downloaded installation package, the following interface will pop up. You need to drag the MongoDB Compass icon to the or side of the folder. ...
欢迎访问 MongoDB 官方文档。无论您是开发者、数据库管理员,还是刚刚开始使用 MongoDB 的新人,我们的文档都能为您提供在 MongoDB 和 Atlas 开发者数据平台上构建应用程序所需的信息和知识。 MongoDB Atlas → 在多云开发者数据平台上运行 MongoDB,可加速并简化操作数据的处理工作。
五、图形化工具客户端 MongoDB CompassMongoDB Compass是MongoDB官方提供的一个图形化免费工具,它可以使用可视化的方式查询、聚合和分析MongoDB中的数据。MongoDB Compass可以运行在macOS、Windows和Linux操作系统上。MongoDB Compass的主界面。分类: MongoDB 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 sucre_tan 粉丝- ...
旧MongoDBcompass版本mongodb4.2 1. 数据库1.1 创建数据库语法:use 数据库 # 显示当前使用数据库 > db test # 显示所有数据库 > show dbs admin 0.000GB config 0.000GB local 0.000GB # 创建数据库,如果有则直接进入,没有则创建 > use ahang switched to db ahang # 但是新创建的数据库如果没有 ...