Select the installer you prefer. The MongoDB Compass installer is available as a.exeor.msipackage or a.ziparchive. Download the latest version of MongoDB Compass for Windows. Download Compass Download and Install Compass Install Compass Double-click the installer file. ...
To ensure that you are using the latest Compass features and improvements, it is recommended to use the latest version of MongoDB Compass. To upgrade Compass, you can either manually install the latest version or enable automatic updates. ...
从下载最新的社区版, 目前是 1.4.2, 解压缩后放入 /opt/robo3t, 建立软链 /opt/robo3t/latest 指向此目录, chown -R 为root 创建桌面图标, 需要去下载一个png放入bin目录, 创建文件~/.local/share/applications/robo3t.desktop [Desktop Entry] Version=1.4.2 Type=Application ...
Ask MongoDB AI Rate This Page Welcome to the official MongoDB Documentation. Whether you're a developer, database administrator, or just starting your journey with MongoDB, our documentation provides you with the information and knowledge needed to build applications on MongoDB and the Atlas devel...
dockerrun--namemongodb-d-p27017:27017 mongo:latest 1. 这将会启动一个名为mongodb的容器,并将容器内部的27017端口映射到主机的27017端口。使用以下命令可以查看容器的运行状态: dockerps 1. 使用MongoDB 连接到MongoDB,我们可以选择使用MongoDB的命令行工具mongo或使用图形化工具如MongoDB Compass。
compass work with mongodb data in a gui integrations integrations with third-party services relational migrator migrate to mongodb with confidence view all products explore our full developer suite build with mongodb atlas get started for free in minutes sign up test enterprise advanced develop with...
下一步安装"install mongoDB compass"不勾选(当然你也可以选择安装它,可能需要更久的安装时间),MongoDB Compass 是一个图形界面管理工具,我们可以在后面自己到官网下载安装,下载地址:。 创建数据目录 MongoDB 将数据目录存储在 db 目录下。但是这个数据目录不会主动...
You can install compass using theinstall_compassscript packaged with MongoDB: $ ./install_compass This will download the appropriate MongoDB Compass package for your platform and install it. Client drivers for most programming languages are available at
MongoDB的安装非常简单,在下载完成后,接直接双击下载好的MongoDB安装包,进入MongoDB安装界面,点击Next下一步、同意条款、选择安装路径 和 日志路径、勾选是否安装MongoDB Compass(MongoDB数据库图形管理工具,类似MySQL的Navicat ),其它的步骤一直点下一步直到完成安装就OK啦。 点击开始安装: 选择MongoDB安装方式: 选择...
五、图形化工具客户端 MongoDB CompassMongoDB Compass是MongoDB官方提供的一个图形化免费工具,它可以使用可视化的方式查询、聚合和分析MongoDB中的数据。MongoDB Compass可以运行在macOS、Windows和Linux操作系统上。MongoDB Compass的主界面。分类: MongoDB 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 sucre_tan 粉丝- ...