竞争者 框架之战是 JavaScript 社区中的热门话题,也是业界众多圣战之一。一开始,jQuery 崭露头角,...
欢迎访问 MongoDB 官方文档。无论您是开发者、数据库管理员,还是刚刚开始使用 MongoDB 的新人,我们的文档都能为您提供在 MongoDB 和 Atlas 开发者数据平台上构建应用程序所需的信息和知识。 MongoDB Atlas → 在多云开发者数据平台上运行 MongoDB,可加速并简化操作数据的处理工作。
// create the Employee collection with a throughput of 1000 RUs and with EmployeeId as the sharding keyvarresult = EmployeeDatabase.RunCommand<BsonDocument>(@"{customAction: ""CreateCollection"", collection: ""Employee"", offerThroughput: 1000, shardKey...
use BookStore BookStore という名前のデータベースが、まだ存在しない場合は作成されます。 データベースが存在する場合は、トランザクションのために接続されます。 次のコマンドを使用して Books コレクションを作成します。 console コピー db.createCollection('Books') 次のような結果...
Regardless, for the moment, we have a database connection. Time to update the CRUD methods to start using it. Insert The insertPerson will use the insert method on the MongoDB collection object and, again, you need a callback to invoke with the results of the database operation: ...
If unset, mongos cannot use LDAP authentication or authorization. --ldapValidateLDAPServerConfig <boolean> Available in MongoDB Enterprise A flag that determines if the mongos instance checks the availability of the LDAP server(s) as part of its startup: If true, the mongos instance performs ...
{// Use connect method to connect to the serverawaitclient.connect();console.log('Connected successfully to server');constdb=client.db(dbName);constcollection=db.collection('documents');// the following code examples can be pasted here...return'done.';}main().then(console.log).catch(...
Or, if you prefer direct links, use mongodb.com/lp/download/mongodb-enterprise. As of this writing, the stable version is the 1.2.4 release. It’s nothing more than a .zip file bundle, so installing it is, comparatively speaking, ridiculously easy: just unzip the contents anywhere ...
If unset, mongod cannot use LDAP authentication or authorization. --ldapValidateLDAPServerConfig <boolean> Available in MongoDB Enterprise A flag that determines if the mongod instance checks the availability of the LDAP server(s) as part of its startup: If true, the mongod instance performs ...
The Mongo class is deprecated and was not implemented in this library. If you are still using it please update your code to use the new classes. TheMongoLogclass does not log anything because the underlying driver does not offer a method to retrieve this data. ...