But that same reasonable diner might be perfectly comfortable expecting that their diversified investment portfolio should produce the same return as US stocks. This is just as unrealistic as it is to expect pot pie and pot roast to produce the same taste. ...
6. Eligible accounts include most nonretirement registrations as well as Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Rollover IRA, SEP IRA, Fidelity Charitable®Giving Account®, Fidelity HSA®, and Fidelity®-managed 529 College Savings Plan accounts. The ability to contribute to an IRA or 529 college savi...
6. Eligible accounts include most nonretirement registrations as well as Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Rollover IRA, SEP IRA, Fidelity Charitable®Giving Account®, Fidelity HSA®, and Fidelity®-managed 529 College Savings Plan accounts. The ability to contribute to an IRA or 529 college savi...