Keep reading to learn about the four best money tree locations for your home, the 'why' behind each one and a few tips to make sure your money tree thrives. Try placing your money tree in the best ‘Feng Shui’ location thatalsohas optimal conditions for the health of your plant. #1:...
In the wild, Chinese Money Trees can grow up to 60 feet tall. A braidedMoney Tree plantcan grow from anywhere between one and eight feet tall. One might expect that the symbolism of the money tree goes back centuries. In reality, the first modern Money Tree was cultivated in Taiwan as ...
Money Tree's long thin five-lobed leaves form an umbrella shape above its trunk. The most interesting thing about Money Tree plant is that, unlike most tropical houseplants, it doesn't require a lot of water. It stores water in its chunky...
Jade Plant. The Jade plant is the ultimate symbol of prosperity for the Chinese. It's flat round leaves and compact shape makes it the Asian equivalent of a money tree. Fruit Trees. Small orange, lemon or lime trees also contain money-drawing properties and are ideal to place in this sec...
I believe the proper name is a Jade Plant but I've always called it a money plant. You'll often see them in Chinese restaurants and homes where they follow Feng Shui. Our plant has been with us since my son was only about six years old. He and I bought it when my wife had to ...