smart money 行家的投资(或赌注);明智的投资(或赌注) A lot of smart money is going into the uranium market right now. 现在很多行家都在投资铀市场。 the smart money 投资(或下注)的行家/行家;行家观点 The smart money always finds a way to win. 擅长下注的人总是能找到赢钱的办法。 There's no ...
smart money 行家的投资(或赌注);明智的投资(或赌注) A lot of smart money is going into the uranium market right now. 现在很多行家都在投资铀市场。 the smart money 投资(或下注)的行家/行家;行家观点 The smart money always...
smart money 行家的投资(或赌注);明智的投资(或赌注)A lot of smart money is going into the uranium market right now.现在很多行家都在投资铀市场。the smart money 投资(或下注)的行家/行家;行家观点The smart money always finds a way to win.擅长下注的人总是能找到赢钱的办法。There’s no doubt th...
Smart money: 聪明的钱 × 有经验的投资商 √ 例句: The smart money seems to think that business will get better so maybe it's time to put some money into the stock market. 那些搞经济的专家们似乎认为商业会越来越好,所以...
按字面意思理解是不是翻译为聪明的钱,这就不对了,smart money表示有经验的投资商,搞经济的专家。 怎么理解smart money这个短语的意思?我们知道smart 除了表示聪明,还有聪敏的意思,一般是指人精明,能够轻松的玩转钱并且能够把握好局势,那就是精明的投资者了或者是那些搞经济的专家。 举个例子: The smart money ...
大小写变形:Smart Money 实用场景例句 全部 Thesmart moneyis on him for the best actor award. 内行认为他将获最佳演员奖。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 This process has already begun with thesmart money. 这个过程已经由聪明钱开始了. 互联网
权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 显示所有例句 n. 1. 行家的投资(或赌注);明智的投资(或赌注)money that is invested or bet by people who have expert knowledge 2. 有专业知识的人;知情者;行家people who have expert knowledge of sth ...
根据后文“It can be easy to get in the habit of shopping in the same place repeatedly, but taking time to shop in various places can help you find the best deals. Check in stores and online to look for the best prices for your needs. Look for stores that might be running sales or...
smart money “smart money”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 罚款;赔偿金;罚金 2. 【英】伤兵抚恤 3. 【俚】(交易所)有经验者的投资 相关词语 smartmoney
在smart money这个习惯用语里,smart是指聪敏。大家恐怕也不难猜出smart money的意思。Smart money是指那些有经验的投资商或善于赌博的人经管投资的钱。有的时候,smart money可以直接指这些人。下面就是一个例子。这是一个人在对朋友说经商的前景。 例句-1: Do ...