pound of flesh,something justly owed but costly to the payer. [before 900; Middle English; Old Englishpund(c. Dutchpond,GermanPfund,Old Norse, Gothicpund) « Latinpondōpound, abl. ofpondusweight, in the phraselibra pondōa pound by weight; seelibra] ...
“commodity money” such as stamped gold coins. And all known early money units had names derived from measures of the principal grain foodstuff—how many bushels of barley equivalent were owed, owned, and paid. All of this is more consistent with the view of money as a unit of account, ...
The policy intention of clause 19(1) requires that all sums of money payable, owing or paid to the CA must on receipt be credited to the account of the OFCA trading fund. legco.gov.hk 第19(1)條的政策原意是訂立一項規定:所有須繳 付或已繳付予通訊局或拖欠通訊局的款項,一經收取,即須...
He was not the kind of person who never paid the money he owed. He simply pinched pennies. He was always very careful with the money he spent. In fact, he was often a cheap skate. He did not like to spend money. The worst times were when he was flat broke and had no money at...
I have been thinking about ways to “help my children” while I am alive, but I am faced with a dilemma. While I have no doubt my daughter would benefit from a gift of cash, should she decide to go out on her own, and I would fully support her decision to do so, with appropriat...
Dec. 27, 2024, 6:51 AM UTC(New York Times)Candice Miller Contends With a Tangle of Debt After Her Husband’s Death Debt may sound like a bad word, but don’t let its reputation fool you. The risk is clear, but the other side of the coin may reveal a powerful tool to get you...
Mostdebts brought into a marriagestay with the person who incurred them and are not extended to a spouse. Your partner's debt won't likely hurt your credit rating. In states that operate undercommon law, debts incurred jointly after marriage are owed by both spouses. ...
The payer's title to the money is not strictly transferred. Instead, the title to the value represented in the transfer passes to the recipient because the payer's bank extinguishes (wholly or partially) the debt which it owes the payer, and the recipient's bank creates a new debt owed ...
Did somebody who owed you money from a bankruptcy leave you hanging high and dry long ago? Visit the U.S. Courts Unclaimed Funds Locator website and see if it's there. 11. Native American Money If you're a Native American and there’s a chance the government may owe you mon...
Any capital gains taxes that would have been owed on a net gain is now disregarded and not owed by the beneficiary. The only liability will come if there is a net gain between the new basis value and the account's value at the time of a future sale. Likewise, net losses can't be ...