Once you've filled in all the fields, be sure to detach the receipt. This stub provides the money order's official identification number, and you can use it to track whether the money order was cashed, and it's also a record of your payment. Now that you have a completed money order...
Learning how to write a money order is straightforward, but it's important to get it right. Here are the steps to complete one and ensure the funds are delivered.
Can a money order be filled out to two parties on the payee lineFor example:James Smith or Gemi Smith Advertisement Add your voice! Click below to answer. ThriftyFun is powered by your wisdom!poehereBronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts December 28, 2019 Best Answer Money orders ...
I save the receipt and also take a picture of the filled out money order before I take it to his office. If his secretary is there, I *always* get a receipt, because he's so scatterbrained, he's told me I didn't pay the rent when I did! I had the receipt to show him. Once...
st="on">estern Union money order doesn't even require you to have a bank account, and it allows you to make payment in person or to mail your payment. But before you present or send payment, you'll want to make sure that you've properly filled out the money order for a seamless ...
A USPS money order needs to be filled out the same way as any other money order — there’s not a lot of difference in the information you need based on where you buy your money order. You will need to: ² ³ Write the payee’s name in the “Pay to” field. Do this first,...
, or other place, such as a convenience store or credit union, to cash it out. It’s important to note that the recipient may also have to pay fees to claim the money order. This can vary across distributors and may depend on the financial institution used to cash the money order....
United States Post Office Money Order Locate the stub from the left side of the United States Post Office money order that you filled out at the same time you filled out the money order. The stub is easily separated by a perforated line between it and the money order. The stub includes ...
A money order provides a convenient way to pay bills without the use of cash or personal checks. It's not necessary to use a bank, or even have a bank account; instead, you simply visit a Western Union agent, fill out a form and pay a fee. Western Union money order tracking is ava...
While filling out a money order, what should be filled in the field of “PAY TO” or “PAY TO THE ORDER OF”? A. the name of the person who is paying with the money order B. the name of the person who is supposed to receive the money order C. the name of the bank...