While you can place your investment orders via our online Mutual Funds Platform 24 hours a day, only orders placed before the cut off time, 07.00am Kenya time will be processed the same working day. Orders received after this time will be processed on the next working day. It will take ...
The yield for money market funds is usually calculated daily and credited to each investor’s account. The popularity of MMFs continues to attract more players and products. Only this month, MWealth-tech startup and fund manager Waanzilishi Capital Kenya Limited, which trades asNd...
Register to start investing in the mutual funds. In Kenya, we recommendCIC Asset Managementif you are looking to invest in money market funds, balanced funds or equity funds. They are the largest asset manager by assets under management in Kenya. ...
During tough economic times, interest rates rise as various institutions such as; commercial banks through bank deposits and governments through treasury bills and bonds compete for the scarce available funds in the market. In such periods, a money market fund has the opportuni...
If inflation forces the Fed to keep interest rates up, it could accelerate a real risk reduction in the market – and Bitcoin, Strategy, and Tesla are precisely the assets that risk being hit the hardest. Are We Heading Toward a New Enron Crisis?
Monetary Policy and Economic Growth in Kenya: The Role of Money Supply and Interest RatesTWINOBURYO, Enock NyorekwaODHIAMBO, Nicholas M.Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
Several of the merci banks (all controlled by the cloudships) responded by holding up transactions so that escrowed funds could earn back in interest the transaction cost of funneling money here and there. As a result, the outer-system economy slowed to pregrist growth levels (much like "pre...
Able to fly again to Tokyo, London and New York, Chinese travelers have bought apartments in Japan and poured money into accounts in the United States or Europe that pay higher interest than in China, where rates are low and falling. The outbound shift of money in part indicates unease ...
the Wise travel card doesn’t charge high foreign transaction fees or markups on exchange rates.Real Exchange Rates: Wise uses the real mid-market exchange rate, which is often better than what most banks or credit card companies offer.Global Usability: The card works in over 150 countries, ...
moneycorp is truly a pioneer in the money transfers business, offering small businesses payment services since the 1970s. They were truly the first ones to identify that there was a gap in the market between the rates and service offered to large corporations and the (lack of) service SMEs ...