美国人说:Money makes the world go around. 这是说:有钱能使地球转。中国人说:钱是万恶之源。美国人的说法跟中国话一样:Money is the root of all evil. 不管是好,是坏,大多数人那末重视金钱就说明钱是生活中最重要的东西之一。要是没有钱有好多事是办不成的。...
2. A.考查词义猜测题.根据第二段But a sense of the potentially sinister power of money is making a comeback in psychology studies(但是一种对金钱潜在邪恶力量的感觉正在心理学研究中卷土重来),根据句意可知,在人们的潜意识里还是认为金钱是有一种邪恶的特性的;由此可猜测sinister意为evil;故选A.3. D....
Is the root of all evil Money money money tell you Is the root of all evil We can't live without it We got to buy food to eat It's good and it's bad And yet we can't live without it Money money money tell you Is the root of all evil Money money money people...
英语谚语: Money is the root of all evil 中文意思: 金钱是万恶之源。
money is the root of all evil金钱乃万恶之源 money on all【经】 遂时可以收回的借款 money at all and short notice短期资金 (1)银行借给贴现商或票券经纪商等非常短期的贷款,此种贷款期限从一天偿还到十四天偿还都有。 (2)指美国商业银行最具流动性的一种资产,即银行可出借给伦敦短期资金市场的钱。
2. Do you believe how people think about money determines whether their money flow is constant?What wer 13、e you taught about money as you were growing up? Somethinglike “ money doesn t grow on trees ”, or “ money is the root of all evil”, or ma“all rich people are greedy?
(redirected frommoney is the root of all evil) Thesaurus Legal Financial Idioms Encyclopedia mon·ey (mŭn′ē) n.pl.mon·eysormon·ies 1.A medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market, including among its forms a commodity...
party today, the logic is very simple, he told us, because money is attractive, so money is the root of all evil. But we know that the beauty of women also has an infinite temptation for men. Does it mean that when men violate women, we can say the ...
Money is the root of all evil are fishing, beauty is the troubles all want, say altitude deeply cold in climbing, said tobacco and alcohol beverages do not quit, says heaven is the United States is not to... 人们! 所有在上升深深地想要,认为高度寒冷,说的金钱是所有罪恶根钓鱼,秀丽是麻烦烟...