Markets can be confusing, so we create a jargon-free guide to what could impact exchange rates each month. Read Currency Outlook Check your currency’s past performance See a currency pair’s performance over the last few days, weeks, months, or even years. ...
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View Historical Rates See exchange rate cost scenarios Exchange rates can shift between you receiving an invoice and its due date. See the possible cost range. Ready to make a transfer? Create your free account to get started. Sign up now...
Thailand BahtTHB0.0306680.027747 Trinidad and Tobago DollarTTD0.1549150.103277 Turkish LiraTRY0.0302160.024723 Tunisian DinarTND0.3629190.268245 Ukrainian HryvniaUAH0.0272730.020998 United Arab Emirates DirhamAED0.2858990.258671 Uruguayan PesoUYU0.0247560.022398 ...
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Quick, secure, global payments to more than 50 currencies AUDAustralian dollar EUReuro JPYJapanese yen CADCanadian dollar GBPBritish pound NZDNew Zealand dollar CNHChinese renminbi HKDHong Kong dollar PHPPhilippine peso SGDSingapore dollar THBThai baht ...
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Riyal SAR 0.2500 South Africa Rand ZAR 0.0500 Singapore Dollar SGD 0.6000 China Yuan CNY 0.1175 Russia Rublo RUB 0.0000 Bulgaria Lev BGN 0.4850 Brazil Real BRL 0.1550 Mexico Peso MXN 0.0425 Thailand Bath THB 0.0280 Hong-Kong Dollar HKD
Quick, secure, global payments to more than 50 currencies AUDAustralian dollar EUReuro JPYJapanese yen CADCanadian dollar GBPBritish pound NZDNew Zealand dollar CNHChinese renminbi HKDHong Kong dollar PHPPhilippine peso SGDSingapore dollar THBThai baht ...