To top it off, the volume of cash that goes through a busy shop on any given day can easily top $2-$3,000, so security measures are mandatory. In the Philippines, where the mobile money concept was pioneered (see Chapter 8), the huge discrepancy between airtime commissions (12%) and...
One of the reasons that the first $1 million is so hard is that it is such a large amount of money relative to where most people begin. To go from $500,000 in assets to $1 million requires a 100% return – a level of performance very hard to achieve in less than six years. To...
This is especially dangerous when it comes to music because music communicates messages that typically cause an emotional reaction, and so music is often used as a tool to lead astray the simple-minded, or in other words, those who do not have a good understanding of musical traps, and ...
When shopping at big retailers, take up the offer for a new credit card to take advantage of the, say, 10 percent discount. Then when the bill comes, pay it and cancel the account (and risk a slight but temporary dent in your credit rating). I think this isn’t ethical. The Ethicis...