Pink Floyd PINK FLOYD ANTHOLOGY ^^^ MONEY === Album : Dark Side of the Moon Words & Music by : Roger Waters Rhythm:Moderately in 2. Beat:3 beats were used 7/4,8/4,6/4 Scale:DDifficult Chords : (X=> Don't play that String,0=>Open String)F#mBm7-2---2-- -2---3-- -2...
Money-Pink FloydThe Dark Side Of The MoonMusic and Words by Roger WatersGuitar Standard Tuning = 120( 3=)intro 1 2 3 Vocals (Gi 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 verse 1 16 17 223303 18 19 0304200(0)0 20 21 223303 NOTA BENE!
round the clock for years memorizing the chords and lyrics of my favorite songs. We had an old Story and Clark piano and one by one my brothers and sisters begged off their lessons to go into tennis, dance, wrestling, skiing but I stuck with it. I wanted to ...
chords and lyrics of my favorite songs. We had an old Story and Clark piano in the house, as well. While my brothers and sisters dropped their piano lessons for other pursuits, but I stuck with mine; I was preparing the soil for my tree. I wanted to be able to play my favorite...