25. “Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.” Gordon Gekko Quotes for Those Who Want to Know More About Wealth and America 26. “Now you’re not naive enough to think we’re living in a democracy, are y...
This post is meant to be a collection of some of the best motivational money quotes. These quotes about money are meant to inspire you to improve your finances, work hard to improve your career and get out of debt (if that's a current struggle.) These money quotes give no real guidance...
“I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust.”— Patrick Bateman in: American Psycho (2000)“You and I are such similar creatures, Vivian. We both screw people for money” — ...
Joe Bageant Money Quote: saying the US has redefined the word greed as 'drive' to make it a virtue for those that can't work enough
Money is NOT the root of all evil; greed is. Here are some of the best quotes about money so you can be wealthier by managing your finances better. Be the master of your resources rather than allowing your resources (or lack therefore) be the master over you. ...
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps: Directed by Oliver Stone. With Richard Stratton, Harry Kerrigan, Michael Douglas, Carey Mulligan. Now out of prison but still disgraced by his peers, Gordon Gekko works his future son-in-law, an idealistic stock broker, w
to the power of money and greed...a race for rent.- Frank Lloyd Wright Honesty is the best policy - when there is money in it.- Mark Twain We have the best government that money can buy.- Mark Twain I know that God made the whole world in 4004 BC.I know because my preacher ...
These quotes often provide insights into the significance, value, and role of money in our lives. They can offer perspectives on the importance of financial stability, the pursuit of wealth, the impact of money on happiness, or the dangers of greed and materialism. Such quotes can be found ...
[Naming territorial dominance, greed, and fear of the unknown, as some of the influences on the increasing specialization of science] — Hannes Alfvén Quoted in Anthony L. Peratt, 'Dean of the Plasma Dissidents', Washington Times, supplement: The World and I (May 1988),192. ...
Casino Jack and the United States of Money: Directed by Alex Gibney. With Jack Abramoff, Melanie Sloan, Nina Easton, Dana Rohrabacher. A probing investigation into the lies, greed and corruption surrounding D.C. super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his croni