财经英语Unit 4 Money and Banking.ppt,* * Part III Reading Different Job Positions in a Bank Text 翻译 There are various job positions within bank institutions. Positions range from customer service positions (bank teller) to mid-management positions (in
MoneyandBankingLecture Money and Banking Chapter 9 Lecture 12 Selcuk Caner Bilkent University How to make profits? Asset transformation Balance Sheet Management Liquidity Management Asset Management Liability Management Capital Adequacy Management Have enough currency for deposit outflows RESERVES Not enough?
货币银行学(MoneyandBanking) 1.,theoriginofwesternmoneysays:invention,invention,theory,exchangetheory,preservationofwealth 2.,theformofcommodityvaluehasgonefromsimplevalueform--expandedvalueform--generalvalueform--currencyform" 3.,thefunctionofmoney:value,measure,meansofcirculation,meansofstorage,meansofpayment...
会计学1 money and banking货币与通货膨胀货币与通货膨胀 2 1 1 t tt t P PP 第1页共46页 3 第2页共46页 4 第3页共46页 5 100 GDP GDP GDP 按现行价格计算的 平减指数 按基期价格
chapter: 302009 Worth PublishersMoney, Banking, and the Federal Reserve SystemThe various roles money plays and the many
Financial Regulation, Deregulation, and Innovation Deregulation in the 1980s and 1990s During the 1980s many restrictions on depository institutions were lifted and distinctions between banks and others depository institutions ended. In 1994 the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act wa...
金融学 一、货币的定义 2.货币与财富(MoneyandWealth)当我们说“某某人很有富有:“Hehasanawfullotofmoney”。其实,这里的“货币”是“财富”的代名词。但,将货币比做财富又扩大化了货币的范围。货币并不就是社会财富本身,贵金属币材只是社会财富的一 部分 3.货币与收入(MoneyandIncome)有时,人们将货币...
在思考中学习在思考中成长在思考中生活在思考中工作 勤于笔记勤于思考重以能力重以规则 经济学主干课程 货币银行学 EconomicsofMoneyandBanking教材:货币银行学黄达人大出版社参考:1、货币银行学.曹龙琦.高教出版.1998 2、中央银行学.王广谦.高教出版.20013、商业银行...
Money and BankingACDC Leadership