#音速电台# Monday Pick Me Up Vol.119 // 消暑一流的雷鬼口味夹心糖 第119期,八月热浪的势头丝毫不减,我们今期歌单就趁着这波浪潮搭配一个雷鬼/dancehall口味的主题,雷鬼音乐就像是一颗弹性十足的夹心糖,无限Bouncy节拍的脆皮外层+热带风情的薄荷椰子夹层。雷鬼是当仁不让的夏季流派,没有一种音乐能像其般充分...
#音速电台# Monday Pick Me Up Vol.123 // Mac Miller, WE MISS U第123期,Mac Miller离世一周年。5张专辑,1项格莱美提名,以Mac Miller的天分和资质,他本该留下更多。 他的首张专辑《Blue Slide Park》是1995年以来第一张打进Billboard 200的独立发行专辑,但他大概从来也没把商业成绩当作自己的首要目标。
School asks fathers to pick up children. It is Monday today.More fathers are waiting outside a primary school to pick up their children than mothers in Wuhan.It's surprising, isn't it?"Today my dad will pick me up!" a student said as she gladly waited at the school gate. "In fact...
I WILL PICK YOU UP - S3RL [NAITKORE EDIT] 03:48 Melodic Ecstasy (Spectrum Video) 02:32 S3rl - Notice me [NAITKORE EDIT] 02:53 Usao - Roar [NAITKORE 2024 EDIT] [NAITLYRIC VIDEO] 03:17 Sunhiausa - Forgetting The Past 02:32 Master Blaster - Until the End (Monday 2 frid...
Monday Pick Me Up | HUZI/EDO Monday Pick Me Up,周一也要打起精神!今天S.T.D.邀请到我们的好朋友,音乐人HUZI和EDO,为大家精心挑选出这张Mixtape。他们二位今年发行了全新EP <Sleepless>,包含五首新的歌曲,创作时间主要集中在2016年到2017年这两年间,由HUZI和EDO在泰国完成。听歌的同时,听我们聊一聊这...
大卫:I started coming up with the initial sound for our band before we had a name. The songs all kind of reminded me of the sort of stuff you would listen to while walking home down a street at night, under the streetlights. That’s where the name came from. Now I think we’ve ...
on Monday i pick up the order 选择语言:从中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语丹麦语匈牙利语希伯来语波斯语挪威语乌尔都语罗马尼亚语土耳其语波兰语到中文简体中文翻译英语日语韩语俄语德语法语阿拉伯文西班牙语葡萄牙语意大利语荷兰语瑞典语希腊语捷克语...
Monday Pick Me Up Vol.58 Coming Event 点击海报获取演出详情 S.T.D. Presents Yung Bae S.T.D. PresentsMarty Baller S.T.D. PresentsGorgon City S.T.D. PresentsZhu S.T.D. PresentsBoys Noize Yellow Days - The Ways Things Change //...