The meaning of MONASTERY is a house for persons under religious vows; especially : an establishment for monks. How to use monastery in a sentence.
A monastery is the building where monks live while they’re practicing their religion. Some monasteries are occupied by hundreds of monks, and sometimes only one monk lives there all alone.
它是假設的來源/其存在的證據由以下提供:希臘語 monos “單獨的,孤獨的”, manos “稀少的,稀疏的”; 亞美尼亞語 manr “細的,纖細的,小的”。 廣告monastery的趨勢 廣告僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of monastery ...
Definition of monastery noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
monastery meaning, definition, what is monastery: a place where monks live: Learn more.
Understand the meaning of monastery, and differentiate it from what is a convent. Discover some types of monasteries, and take a look and dig into its history. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What Is a Monastery? History of Monastery Types of Monasteries Lesson Summary Frequently ...
中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofmonastery 想移除广告吗?登录查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。 About 关于 来源列表 介绍和解释 链接 支持 会员 Patreon Shoppe 简体中文 (Chinese) © 2001 -2025Douglas Harper...
The meaning of DOUBLE MONASTERY is a religious community of men and women living in adjacent establishments, using the same church, governed by one superior, and usually obeying the same rule.
Monastery is a valid Scrabble word. Monastery is a word starting with m ending with y. Check our list ofwords starting with m ending with y. Dictionary definition of the word monastery The meaning of monastery monastery 1 definition of the word monastery. ...
trained in the scriptures and foundations of monastic life. Time will be spent on the Buddhist canons, yet crafts, astrology and medicine are also on the curriculum. In addition, the boys retreat for hours each day to reflect and meditate on the meaning and implications of Buddhist philosophy....