Established in 1958, Monash University (Monash) has an outstanding reputation for their quality of teaching and world-class facilities, and is a member of the highly-regarded Group of Eight Universities. Monash has a truly global presence being in six countries and on four continents, with stude...
登陆WES系统 在Student Services栏,点击“Submit your photo for an ID card” 扫描及提交你的身份验证(比如护照) 上传提交一张你的照片,照片不要太暗 核对你的个人信息,选择你希望如何方式领取学生ID卡 如何领取学生ID卡: 亲自领取:你可以前往你所在的校园Monash Connect部门领取。确保带上自己的身份证件,如护照或...
02. 购买Student Letter Monash学生证明示意图 如果需要学校开一些证明,比如完成信/在读证明等等,也可以...
登陆WES>Web Enrolment System 🔗: 像平时Enrol那样 然后将你想学的Winter course课程编码输入到系统里 如果你选择的课程可以直接在wes上Enrol, 那么系统会提示你可以Enrol成功 选择winter semester就可以啦 👇 PS:如果你想选择的课程需要跨faculty 或是不能直接在wes...
从2020 年 1 月起,蒙纳士大学针对入读University和Diploma语言直升班课程 Monash English Bridging (MEB) 将启用全新的教学及考试模式。全新的教学和考试模式的优势包括: 更多的课上学习时间,学生有更多与老师学习,交流和沟通的机会。 新增独立“考试周” , 给学生更充分的时间做考前复习准备。 在语言学习期间考试或...
MONSU(Monash University Student Union)是学生社团集合地,为广大学子提供全方位的服务,其中包括问题咨询、举办校园社交活动、免费发放食物、失物招领、租Locker等。 MONSU的近期活动可访问网站👇 可以在里面找到我们MCSA哦~ 第五站:Health Center ...
建筑:也是感人的70,不过要求最后一年75。Health: Public Health、Health Services等收分低至70!社工:...
Career Services Student Engagement and Development Student Advisory and Support Monash University Student Association Monash University Postgraduate Association Monash University offers a number of financial incentives to deserving students, for both undergraduate as well as postgraduate studies. ...
OverviewScholarshipsUniversities rankingServicesStudent Life Student insurance Make sure to cover your health, travel, and stay while studying abroad. Even global coverages can miss important items, so make sure your student insurance ticks all the following: ...