“Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Scholarship Opportunities Safe Sustainable Accessible Railway (S2ARail) Graduate Research Industry Partnerships (GRIP) program” 学校及专业介绍 学校概况 莫纳什大学位于澳大利亚,是世界顶尖的研究型大学之一。该校以其卓越的学术成就、丰富的学科设置和庞大的学生规模而闻名。莫纳什大学拥...
“Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Scholarship Opportunities Safe Sustainable Accessible Railway (S2ARail) Graduate Research Industry Partnerships (GRIP) program” 学校及专业介绍 莫纳什大学 学校概况 莫纳什大学位于澳大利亚,是世界顶尖的研究型大学之一。该校以其卓越的学术成就、丰富的学科设置和庞大的学生规模而闻名。...
从 2020 年 1 月起,蒙纳士大学针对入读University和Diploma语言直升班课程 Monash English Bridging (MEB...
Bachelor Master PHD When it comes to choosing a university, there’s a lot to consider. By choosing Monash University , you can be sure you’ve taken your first step to a successful career. The quality of our teaching and exceptional facilities are just two of the many... Read More ...
University or Organization: Monash University Department:School of Public Health Course Level:PhD Program Award:$27,872 AUD per annum Access Mode:Online Number of Awards:Varies Nationality:Any Students The award can be taken inAustralia Eligibility ...
Level of Study:Masters / PhD Institution(s):Monash University Study in:Australia Courses Offered:Arts, Biomedical Science, Design Education, Educational and Developmental Psychology and Philosophy, Engineering Science, Fine Art, Philosophy, Reproductive Sciences, Surgery ...
Monash University PhD or Master of Engineering Science Scholarship in Australia, 2021 Take your knowledge to new heights by joining a PhD or Master of Engineering ScienceInternationalScholarship at Monash University. The scholarship program is awarded to Australian and New Zealand Students for the academ...
Maxwell King PhD Scholarship The Maxwell King Scholarship (MKS) is dedicated to Professor Maxwell King, recognized for his remarkable contributions to graduate research at Monash University. The total scholarship value is $40,480 Monash Graduate Scholarship ...
The IITB-Monash Research Academy (The Academy) a partnership between the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (I ITB) and Monash University, Melbourne (Australia), jointly invites applications for PhD program in interdisciplinary research in all branches of science, technology, computer science, IT...