功能介绍6:IT Support 当我们遇到IT相关的问题,都可以去找IT Support去帮助解决。比如:你不记得你的学生账号和密码,你需要某个软件无法从学校网站下载,一些VPN无法使用等各类问题。当然,如果你不确定你遇到的问题归不归IT Support所管,你可以去Ask a Question,先找学校帮忙,之后学校会帮你转到相对应的部门去帮你...
学校的所有网站,网络,digital platform的硬件软件都是eSol在负责,比如学生老师相关的Moodle,eAssessment,myMonash。IT support也是eSol。 我还记得去年eSol员工大会上,负责服务器网络的部门就自嘲说:我们今年做了很多事,但是没有一个人注意到 (如果断网,才会有人注意到他们的存在。。。) 工作内容 我是一名UX设计师,...
When it comes to choosing a university, there’s a lot to consider. By choosing Monash University , you can be sure you’ve taken your first step to a successful career. The quality of our teaching and exceptional facilities are just two of the many reasons we’re consistently ranked in ...
The my.monash Portal (Portal) provides a virtual gateway to support student centred flexible learning by coordinating many of the university's key resources to meet the needs of students and staff. The Portal is intended to help deliver innovative learning programs, foster opportunities to undertake...
A trully amazing University Senior Lecturer (Current Employee) - Melbourne VIC - 4 November 2019 Monash is an amazing university. It deserves to be held among the great universities of the US and Europe. I'm excited to see how it's reputation will grow over the coming decades. Was this ...
Best IT options at Monash UniversityR.V. Veera
MONSU(Monash University Student Union)是学生社团集合地,为广大学子提供全方位的服务,其中包括问题咨询、举办校园社交活动、免费发放食物、失物招领、租Locker等。 MONSU的近期活动可访问网站👇 https://www.monsu.org/ 可以在里面找到我们MCSA哦~ 第五站:Health Center ...
An integrated solution, DIG offers the university an effective way to clean and maintain high quality data. “DIG will ensure that the owners of the data are able to provide timely and accurate updates and validation,” said Professor Skrbis. “Once it is set up and we’ve managed the...
Monash University is a renowned public research university located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It has become one of Australia’s leading and globally recognized institutions of higher education. In addition, the university has earned a highly regarded status for its outstanding research and teach...