P3002 Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced (Honours) PV, and M6011 Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine CL, and 4533 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Honours) MA, and E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) CL/ E6001 Masters Accelerated Pathway CL 其它专业录取...
Advanced Science in Research (Honours) Bachelor Degree / Honours Degree 80 in overall ranking 4 years A$48,600 per year Compare Apply Occupational and Environmental Health Masters 80 in overall ranking 1.5 years A$46,900 per year Compare Apply Occupational and Environmental Health Graduate Diplom...
bachelor with honours or masters by research degree in software engineering, human-computer interaction...
Research projects details can be had fromhere Eligibility for IITB- Monash Phd: A first class Masters degree from a reputed university, or -a Bachelors Degree in Eng/Science (with high GPA), and a burning desire to make a difference to the world, you should take advantage of this unique ...
EWSRole: Researcher, Conceptualisation and Developer of Version 1 (2013 to 2014) This project stemmed from my masters research and focused on using trace data to identify early indicators of "at-risk" students and produced various reports that facilitated implementing interventions to support these st...
Masters thesis part 2 Masters thesis final Professional practice 专业认可 本课程经澳大利亚计算机学会(ACS)认证,符合专业级别会员的知识标准。 人工智能硕士为工业、学术、研发、政府、国防、医学和金融等领域的人工智能转型和专业就业做好准备。该学位为您提供了有效构建基于人工智能的产品和智能系统的现代知识和技能。
According to a Monash media release, the new campus will start offering advanced postgraduate education later this year, with 350 masters students and 150 PhD candidates being added each year, building to a capacity of more than 1,400 by 2017. Students will graduate with degrees from Southeast...