不同专业不同年级的Coursehandbook也不同,在findacourse(https://www.monash.edu/study/courses/find-a-course)这个页面查询你的专业名称或代码就可以获得专业的入口,用masterofit举个栗子,点进去。 进入下图页面,然后选择course handbook就可以看你所读专业的课程要求了。 Unit Handbook+Unit guide: Unit Handbook介...
当然在毕业之前也“顺利”拿到了Monash的Master of Information Technology(Professional)的Offer,要继续读...
1. 两年制建筑学硕士自2020年第一学期起2年制Master of Architecture录取分数将更改为本科全部平均分不...
原来她们是在C. University刚读完本科,这马上就去悉尼读Master了。她们叫了出租车,于是我和她们一起把...
It originated from the term ‘l’ éducation permanente’, coined by Faure (1972). The direct translation of this term is, ‘continuing to learn from cradle to grave’. The Faure Report describes lifelong education as ‘a master concept for educational policies in the years to come for both...
Admission Requirements:For taking admission, candidates must check the minimum entry requirements for thePhDor theResearch Mastersin the course handbook. Language Requirement:Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specificEnglish language requirementsin order to be able to study...
The PMA for single women and women’s unions is one of the flagship measures of the revision of the 2011 bioethics law and the public’s attention on the matter is strong, but when it comes to facing this non-therapeutic PMA, society must choose: where do we want to go with artificial...
本人学历背景:本科双非大学 教育学;硕士蒙纳什大学 Master of Education 关于选校 其实大二下最开始...
当然在毕业之前也“顺利”拿到了Monash的Master of Information Technology(Professional)的Offer,要继续读下去咯。 既然在Monash待了三年半,各方面也算相对了解一些了吧。我是IT的学生肯定IT学院的东西会多谈一些,其他学院的情况如果有偏差还请谅解。下面分几个方面谈谈Monash: 1. Why Monash?首先当然要谈谈为什么(不...