importReactfrom'react';importReactDOMfrom'react-dom';importEditorfrom'@monaco-editor/react';functionApp(){functionhandleEditorChange(value,event){// here is the current value}functionhandleEditorDidMount(editor,monaco){console.log('onMount: the editor instance:',editor);console.log('onMount: the ...
💖引入react-monaco-editor 安装依赖 yarn add react-monaco-editor 1. 💖引入react-app-rewired 安装依赖 yarn add react-app-rewired 1. 替换package.json的script运行命令 Replace react-scripts by react-app-rewired 替换script的运行命令 💖通过config-overrides.js添加monaco插件配置 在前端根目录中新建confi...
import React from 'react'; import examples from '@src/examples' // component import MonacoEditor from '@lsky/react-monaco-editor' class Index extends React.Component { render() { return ( Monaco Editor base example <MonacoEditor width={800} height={500} language="javascript" value={examples...
Monaco editor wrapper for easy/one-line integration with React applications (e.g. powered by create-react-app) without need of webpack configuration files
首先,需要在React项目中安装Monaco Editor。可以使用npm,运行以下命令: npm install monaco-editor --save 配置Monaco Editor 配置Monaco Editor需要创建一个Monaco Editor的实例,并设置一些选项。下面是一个简单的示例: import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor'; class MyEditor extends React.Component { componentDi...
react-monaco-editor Examples To build the examples locally, run: yarncdexample yarn yarn start Then openhttp://localhost:8886in a browser. Installation yarn add react-monaco-editor Using with Webpack importReactfrom'react';import{createRoot}from"react-dom/client";importMonacoEditorfrom'react-...
Monaco Editor for React - use the monaco-editor in any React application without needing to use webpack (or rollup/parcel/etc) configuration files / plugins
如何使用 React 和 Monaco Editor 实现 Web 版 VSCode,传送门:O网页链接本项目是 React 基于 Monaco Editor 实现的 Web VSCode Demo,它的主要功能是允许在浏览器中编写 TypeScript/JavaScript 并直接运行,除此之外,它还包含如下功能:支持部分语言服务,例如 TS 类型检查、代码补全、代码错误检查、代码格式化等;编辑器... 支持光标处插入 支持提示语 输入 sin cos tan 会出现提示语 输入冒号 : 会出现支持的所有提示语 bug描述 遇到一个坑,解决了很久,结果用最蠢的方式,sessionStorage解决的,如果有好的方式请留言 寻找过的解决方案,但是未果,比如在组件componentWillUnmount的时候销毁这...
Extended example import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import Editor from '@monaco-editor/react'; function App() { function handleEditorChange(value, event) { // here is the current value } function handleEditorDidMount(editor, monaco) { console.log('onMount: the...