A mysterious young astrologer who proclaims herself to be "Astrologist Mona Megistus," and who possesses abilities to match the title. Erudite, but prideful.Though she is often strapped for cash and lives a life of thrift, she is resolved to never use as
Art by Ppolamac on Tumblr GENERAL Genshin Impact CharacterCharacter Mona Megistus Scaramouche Canonical? Fanon Status of Relationship Acquaintances/Enemies IN FANDOM Type (?) Het Also Known As MonaMouche, WanderMona, WandererMona, WanMona, WaMona, Scaramegistus, Mora, MonaMashu, SukaMon, Elec...
◘ Model : OC LUNA : By TDA, me, Lauraimon. NO DL MMD Genshin impact Mona from xCallme-Luxx's DA : https://www.deviantart.com/xcallme-luxx/art/MMD-Genshin-impact-Mona-DL-861262116 ◘ Stage .:AutoLuminous Stage:. by NURUTEKA from Sushi-Kittie's DA : https://www.deviantart...