Her messages alone are not the only things that will creep you out in this game. Momo’s appearance isdownright scaryand she is something you would not want to appear in your dreams or see in real life, ever. The house where you are at also evokes aneerie vibethat makes you think the...
According to news, it is said that the game controller also claims to have personal information of the player and threatens to reveal it if the orders are not followed. The image has unusual features and bulging eyes. Momo is also said to be linked to the recent suicide of a 12-y...
Okay, so I know I’m always late to the game, but have you heard of Momo? I just heard about her. She’s this freaky girl who supposedly flashes up spontaneously while your kid is watching YouTube Kids and then tells them to go do harmful things to themselves. Yikes!!! At first I...