Free Holiday Speech Mats! October 18, 2016byHeidi Hanks Continue Reading How to Help (Spanish Speaking) Children Speak More Clearly September 30, 2016byHeidi Hanks Continue Reading Practical Speech Therapy Activities for Home Practice June 25, 2014byHeidi Hanks ...
For a moment I want you to imagine (though this may not be too far off from reality for some) that you are the parent of a young child whose speech is severely unintelligible. People unfamiliar with your child cannot understand him or her when they attempt to speak, and sometimes even y...
What if your child has difficulty even producing the vowels, has very few words if any or is highly unintelligible? If this is the case there is likely something more going on and you should see a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) for a speech and language evaluation. The Speech Pathologist...
Many of you have been interested in how to stimulate more speech from your toddlers so I thought I would share a few tricks I use as a speech therapist. Most often children just need a little more incentive to get them talking so I like to use what is known to speech therapists as “...
I also passed a tent manned by the From Fat to Finish Line team, I high fived all of them and they shouted words of encouragement. I teared up a little. This fat runner girl loves a fat runner success story! You want to know what the most demoralizing thing in the world is ...
words can be practiced before a child reads the story in flashcards and assessed in the reading fluency test. When the recording is played back of the child reading the story speech errors can be marked to practice in flashcards later. Speech production can also be assessed in the story ...
palate and jaw for clear speech. As a result they simplify complex words in predictable ways until they develop the coordination required to articulate clearly. For example, they may reduce consonant clusters to a single consonant like, “pane” for “plane” or delete the weak syllable in a ...
Vowels are typically the first sounds that emerge from our precious little ones and most often not a concern. Starting around 2 months babies begin to “coo” making sounds in the back of their mouth like “ah-ah-ah” and “oh-oh-oh.” By 6 months they have progressed to babbling whic...
If you have questions about how to practice the goals I have written in the left column (isolation, initial syllables, initial words, initial sentences, initial stories etc.) please refer to my post“The Process of Articulation Therapy”to help guide you. ...
Once they understand how to make the sound I tell them to think of the /f/ sound as the sound of an angry cat. Then we curl our fingers like the claws of a cat and practice making the sound together. I later use the “Angry Cat” as a cue (when we move onto words, sentences ...