I have found that the most difficult thing for a lot of parents to do when trying to correct their children’s speech errors on their own is to teach that initial correct production of a sound. That is why I was so excited to discover Speech Buddies. While I just […] Continue Reading...
Phonological processes are patterns of sound errors that typically developing children use to simplify speech as they are learning to talk. They do this because they don’t have the ability to coordinate the lips, tongue, teeth, palate and jaw for clear speech. As a result they simplify comple...
My favorite way to practice initial /f/ syllables is to practice saying, “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (and with my own kids) I’m going to tickle your tummy, tum tum. We have a lot of giggles with this one as I chase them around the house! They especially love it when it’s their turn...
Those symptoms typically arise at a very early age, with the exception of potential learning disabilities such as delayed speech, which has never been an issue, trust me – she speaks just fine and knows more than she should to be only 4! He reminded us that any small lump beneath the s...
I knew the Secret Stories was a keeper last year when one of my Intensive Needs kids, who was really struggling with speech and connecting letters and sounds, pointed to his name and said, “Those letters are bad. They always stick out their tongues!” and then proceeded to make their so...
But the moment of the day is the speech his teacher, Mary, who has taught him for six years, gives in his honor. There are mentions of the things he loves; motion with a toy, virtually traveling on Google maps, the boardwalk, and his mom. ...
Practice:Say your main statements often to yourself – and practice feeling them as true, in every part of your body and subtle body. For the elevator speech versions, practice saying them to others, and emanating out your own contagious enthusiasm and belief as you do so. ...
exploring this app with your child: “I see an animal that swims AND has a beak. Do you?” Additionally, animal sounds are a great context to explore imitation skills and early speech production, with many of them being consonant-vowel combinations that are initial targets in speech therapy....
1. Who were the leaders that helped to organize the March on Washington; how were their organizations involved in the planning of the event; and what was the impact of their speech on the day’s events? 2. What are some of the incidents that led up to the March on Washington and how...
who had just turned 3 that day and had a speech delay, was being asked to “describe a baseball game using your five senses”. This child who spoke only a handful of words, didn’t know what baseball was and didn’t know any of his five senses, was definitely in the wrong classroom...