She caught up to me, hugged my legs and gave them a kiss. Then she said she wanted me to kiss my face. I bent down and she gave me a big long kiss and said, “I wish I could kiss you forever.” Me too, Harlow. Then she turned around and ran back into the classroom, taking...
To see how long your string of beads will need to be you can put it along the bottom edge of your tray. You’ll want it long enough to go all around the bottom of your tray but not overlap. I had to tie two beaded necklaces together and then take some beads off the one end bec...
As long as I’m living My baby you’ll be xoxo, Mommy You all- I took over 400 pictures between Friday, March 6th and Monday, March 9th while we were celebrating Theo’s big FIFTH birthday so bear with me. Getting this post down to less than 40 pictures is quite an accomplishment!
long legs, and changing interests and it hits me hard that you are not a little kid anymore. You are almost through 2ndgrade and have continued to excel academically, but not without your fair share of agenda book “checks” this year for some silly behaviors. You have fallen in love wit...
Still using the toothpick, push one end of a piece of the cut licorice into each hole, creating the “legs” of the spider. Once all eight pieces are in place, create eyes or decorate at will using the green decorating gel. Then serve and enjoy! Recipe idea adapted from “The Braces ...
(be sure to also check outCamp Famous, just out in paperback, which my daughter read and loved at the end of last summer, too late for the 2022 Guide). If you’ve got a reader easily intimidated by long books, the first three recs are for you. If you’ve got a kid only hooked...