Tokyo 2020 gold-medallist, Nishiya Momiji put down a solid first run to seal a spot in the semi-finals of the women’s street skateboarding at the... Show more You may like Tony Hawk performs last-ever indy 540 as part of touching tribute to Palisades fire victim Animesh Kujur w...
Nishiya took her first steps towardsParis 2024earlier this month in Rome, whereshe finished runner-up to Nakayamaher friendin the first Olympic qualifier. But as important as the contest was to her for Paris qualification, Rome, for Nishiya, was more about catching up with her friends overseas...
Teenager Nishiya Momiji of Japan has won the women’s street skateboarding event. At just 13 years old, she is now one of the youngest gold medal winners in Olympic history. She is just months older than the current female record-holder, American diverMarjorie Gestring, who was 13 y...
Japan' s Momiji Nishiya, 13, made history on Monday. At the Tokyo 2020 Games, she took home the first women' s street skateboarding Olympic gold medal. Standing next to her on the podium (领奖台) was Rayss a Leal, also 13, from Brazil. Japanese skater Fun a Nakayama, 16, took ...
One steady constant fromTokyo 2020to the lead-up toParis 2024has remained: Olympic championNishiya Momiji. Ever since her gold medal exploits at home in Japan, the 16-year-old hasn't missed a beat since qualification for Paris began in 2022. Ever-expanding her repertoire of tricks, ...
Japan's Momiji Nishiya. 13. made history on Monday. At the Tokyo 2020 Games, she took home the first women's street skateboarding ()lym-pic gold medal. Standing next to her on the podium was Rayss a Leal, also 13. from Brazil. Japanese skater Fun a Nakayama. 16. took bronze.The ...
"Odi, Odi, Odi!": Schweizer Fans singen für Marco Odermatt, nachdem er die Goldmedaille gewonnen hat Flora Tabanelli: „Ich möchte eine Inspiration für junge Mädchen und Jungen in Italien sein.“ Rayssa LEAL Momiji NISHIYA Funa NAKAYAMA ...
Japan's Momiji Nishiya, 13, made history on Monday. At the Tokyo 2020 Games, she took home the first women' s street skateboarding Olympic gold medal. Standing next to her on the podium (领奖台) was Rayssa Leal, also 13, from Brazil. Japanese skater Funa Nakayama, 16, took bronze. ...
继夺得男子街式赛金牌之后,东道主日本队再揽一枚滑板金牌。 东京奥运会滑板女子街式赛决赛于当地时间7月26日下午在有明城市运动公园落下帷幕,13岁的日本选手西矢椛夺得冠军,这是奥运史上首枚女子街式赛金牌,极具意义。 同样13岁的巴西选手莱萨·莱亚获得亚军,日本选手中山枫奈位列季军...
由文章第一段“Japan’s Momiji Nishiya, 13, made history on Monday. At the Tokyo 2020 Games, she took home the first women’s street skateboarding Olympic gold medal.(日本13岁的Momiji Nishiya周一创造了历史。在2020年东京奥运会上,她获得了第一枚女子街头滑板奥运金牌) ”可知,这是第一枚女子街头...