Momentum: Directed by Stephen S. Campanelli. With Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, James Purefoy, Greg Kriek. Four criminals steal diamonds from a safety deposit box in Cape Town, including a drive containing a US senator's evil plans. He'll do anything t
Whilst Stephen S. Campanelli’s debut feature truly bombed at the box office it’s a far better film than many which regularly adorn multiplexes. Filmed in Cape Town, production values are high and the action is fast and mostly entertaining. The dialogue can be clunky at times, as can som...
Since 1969, I’d started to build my own art collection, and so when my clients came to visit my home office, they saw this for themselves, and understood how it related to the space which housed it. If they were new to collecting art, or their own collections perhaps were not so we...
"By working less, people are more likely to stimulate the economy, spending more money outside of work and more time their local communities," she says. The New Economics Foundation haspublished a paperhighlighting a potential productivity boost for the economy that comes from decreasing working h...
At the construction site of the free trade zone, a tall modern office building has been erected. Some 70,000 square meters of warehouses and 65,000 square meters of storage yards have also been completed. With a planned construction area of 48.2 square km, the free trade zone occupies one...
Hungarian OTKA and National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH); Department of Atomic Energy and Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and Centro Fermi—Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi...
Momentum: Regia di Stephen S. Campanelli. Con Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, James Purefoy, Greg Kriek. Quattro criminali rubano diamanti da una cassetta di sicurezza a Cape Town, inclusa una chiavetta usb contenente i piani malvagi di un senatore degli
Momentum: Regia di Stephen S. Campanelli. Con Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, James Purefoy, Greg Kriek. Quattro criminali rubano diamanti da una cassetta di sicurezza a Cape Town, inclusa una chiavetta usb contenente i piani malvagi di un senatore degli
Four criminals steal diamonds from a safety deposit box in Cape Town, including a drive containing a US senator's evil plans. He'll do anything to get it back from Alexis. What was the budget for Momentum? 20 million How much did Momentum earn at the worldwide box office? $789,000 ...
Code Momentum: Réalisé par Stephen S. Campanelli. Avec Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko, James Purefoy, Greg Kriek. 4 criminels volent des diamants dans un coffre-fort à Cape Town - y compris un CD contenant les plans diaboliques d'un sénateur américa