3.2 ETmiss terms Particle and jet selections in a given analysis should be reflected in ETmiss and ET for a consistent interpretation of a given event. Each reconstructed particle and jet has its own dedicated calibration translating the detector signals into a fully corrected four-momentum. This...
Measurements of pT require a precise understanding of the transverse momentum pT calibration and resolution of the final-state leptons. Associated systematic uncertainties affect the resolution in pT and limit the ultimate precision of the measurements, particularly in the low- pT domain. To min- im...
The absolute dual quadric is used elsewhere in camera auto-calibration approaches with a bit more of a description of it here. Restrictions Restriction #1 the point is on the quadric of the mirror surface Restriction #2 the point is on an analytical quadric given by proposition #1 Proposition ...
Table 3. Summary of the systematic uncertainties and their average effect on the yields for the benchmark points defined in the text. The values, which are quite similar for the multi-b and the 0-b analyses, are usually larger for compressed scenarios, where the mass difference between the ...
They are corrected for calorimeter non-compensation, upstream ma- terial and other effects using pT and η dependent calibration factors obtained from Monte Carlo and validated with exten- sive test-beam and collision-data studies [30, 31]. Only jets with pT > 20 GeV and |η| < 2.5 are ...
To transform the wave height from the pixel domain to the physical domain in the laboratory coordinate system, a calibration grid of four black dots with known vertical and horizontal distance is attached to the transparent side panels of the wave tank. The vertical and horizontal numbers of ...
Triggers based on the presence of a single jet were used to collect data samples for the estimation of the multijet and all-hadronic tt¯ backgrounds. The jet pT thresh- olds after energy calibration ranged from 50 to 400 GeV. In order to stay within the bandwidth limits of the trigger...
The data used for the analysis correspond to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb−1. The uncertainty in the integrated luminosity is ±3.2%. It is derived following a methodology similar to that detailed in Ref. [63], from a preliminary calibration of the luminosity scale using x–y beam-...
Remaining differences between data and simulated events are evaluated and corrected for using in situ techniques, which exploit the transverse momentum balance between a jet and a reference object such as a photon, Z boson, or multijet system in data. After these calibrations, all jets in the ...
Trigger, lepton and ETmiss selections are described in the text. Large-R jets are referred to as 'lR' for brevity. is not associated with the hadronic top quark candidate. In the 1b category, the leading-pT jet is used to build the leptonic top quark candidate to retain a good ...