MOMENTO是浙江瑞祥旗下品牌,是进入国外高端商场并以独立品牌销售的中国家纺品牌,全球20几个知名家纺品牌的ODM(设计生产)合作伙伴,其设计的产品远销英国、美国、加拿大、澳洲等海外市场。家纺品牌 Momento(摩凡陀),来自于英语和西班牙语的结合,她秉承了欧洲文化底蕴,意思是把握美的瞬间。据说在西班牙,它是一个...
Momento dash cams, dash cameras, and parking cameras for all vehicles. Available at over 2,000 retailers in North America.
momento 英[məʊ'mentəʊ] 释义 n. 纪念品 实用场景例句 全部 Desde elmomentoen el que te conoc í Resumiendo con prisas Tiempo de Silencio. 我们抱着彼此,你就看着那双正靠近你身旁的蓝色眼眸. 互联网 Molti pensano che questa opportunit à sia arrivata nelmomentomigliore della tua ...
Momento NFC is the first company has the patent that gives you the ability to activate the iPhone NFC chip, so it is writable with iOS 11. Previously, iOS NFC…
踏上一段人生旅程,你选择保留的物品将影响你的未来生活。一边装饰温馨舒适的房间,一边享受古灵精怪的环境、轻松休闲的游戏玩法和充满魅力的分支故事。Momento 为那些在蜿蜒的人生道路上逐梦的人,送上一曲温暖的颂歌。
Momento USA offers comprehensive New Product Development (NPD) solutions that help your business turn innovative ideas into successful... Read More Application Services There’s one sure way to meet all of your recruitment needs, and that’s to trust them to Momento and our team of dedicated...
Momento dash cams, dash cameras, and parking cameras for all vehicles. Available at over 2,000 retailers in North America.
Momento is a smart private journaling app for iPhone that helps you capture and collect moments to explore, relive and share your life story.