首先是这个英文单词本身具有疑惑性,意思a measure of resistance to changes in angular speed,对应中文是转动矩量或者惯性矩。还是英文解释更易懂些。 moment of inertia的诞生 这个东西是在讲rotational energy的时候冒出来的,具体生产过程如下: Let us now look at the kinetic energy of a rotating rigid object...
energy gapfission isomersprotonsneutronspairing formalismNilsson wave functionsThe moments of inertia and the energy gaps of protons and neutrons have been calculated within the pairing formalism with Nilsson wave functions for different prolate shapes of doubly even nucleides from radium to curium. Two ...
moment of inertia [undefined]释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 转动惯量;双语例句 全部 1. Increased Moment of Inertia for serious forgiveness and truer roll. 提高惯性力率增加容错度与确实的滚动. 来自互联网 2. A simple method for principal axes and principal moment of inertia of are is presented. 介绍了...
The Earth's principal moments of inertia are the geodetic and astronomical fundamental Earth parameters.摘要地球主惯性矩属于大地测量学和天文学的基本地球参数。 权威例句 Moment of inertiamoment of inertiaSlowly-Rotating Relativistic Stars.IV. Rotational Energy and Moment of Inertia for Stars in Differentia...
Well,itisoneof theimportantthingsofsolidmechanics,whichisthetorqueof aforcedivided bythemomentofinertia. 这是固体力学的研究重点之一,就是力的扭转力矩与转动惯量之比。 open.163.com 5. IfIknowthemomentofinertia,thenIknowhowmuchrotationalkinetic energythereis. ...
As I understand, you have to balance your rotating assembly by applying the red cylinder, and when you say that you want "the moment of inertia of the assembly match" you actually mean that you want the assy center of mass to lie on the rotation axis, don't you ? If this is the ...
美 英 na.惯性矩;【物理学】转动矩量 网络转动惯量 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 惯性矩;【物理学】转动矩量 释义: 全部,惯性矩,转动矩量,转动惯量
mass moment of inertia 生词本 [mæs ˈməumənt ɔv iˈnə:ʃjə]质量惯性矩 网 络 质量惯性矩;质量的惯性矩 1. Firstly, the added fluid mass inertia moment are implemented from the concept of fluid kinetic energy.对计算结果进行...
you have full access to this open access article radial pulsations, moment of inertia and tidal deformability of dark energy stars abstract we construct dark energy stars with chaplygin-type equation of state (eos) in the presence of anisotropic pressure within the framework of einstein gravity. ...
The kinematic moment of inertia of the rare earth even-even nuclei was calculated using three parametric energy based expression. The plot of kinematic moment of inertia versus nuclear spin shows a better sensitivity to back bending than energy plot....