torque1 (tôrk) n. 1.The measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion or rotation about an axis, equal to the product of the force vector and the radius vector from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force; the moment of a force. ...
为了追求与“角动量(angular momentum)”的平行语感,动量(质量称速度)有时也被称为线动量(Linearmomentum)。 Torque的汉语为“扭矩”,这个翻译比较到位,突出了“扭”的物理。在汉语里,“扭矩”和“力矩”分的很清楚。Torque源自拉丁词torquere ,表示to twist, turn等。 F...
momentmoment of force 力矩汉英翻译 moment片刻; 时刻; 时机; moment of force力矩; 词组短语 输出力矩output torque; Oatpat torque 启动力矩机 starting torque; 机 starting moment 旋转力矩running torque; moment of rotation 双语例句 1. Air - feeding sleeves with considerably higher turbine torques are re...
所以moment of force就是距离x力 -> 力矩,英语里也叫torque. 在物理里,一般moment of xx翻译为矩...
Torque or moment - the tendency of a force to rotate an object around an axis or a point - is defined as the product of the force and the distance from the point or axis to the force vector Torque can be expressed as T = F a (1) where T = moment - or torque of the force (...
The moment of a force (also known as torque) provides a measure of the tendency of that force to cause rotation about a given point (or axis). It is calculated based on the following XYZ reference frame with sign convention shown.
所以moment of force就是距离x力 -> 力矩,英语里也叫torque. 在物理里,一般moment of xx翻译为矩...
moment of a m...magnetic momentforcetorsiontorque noun Synonyms for torque nouna twisting force Synonyms torsion Related Words force magnetic moment moment of a magnet Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.Want...
n The effectiveness of a force to produce rotation about an axis, measured by the product of the force and the perpendicular distance from the line of action of the force to the axis. Cgs unit – the dyne-centimeter. If a force F acts to produce rotation about a center at a distance ...