moment().month() // (0~11, 0: January, 11: December) moment().get('month') (15)获取一个月中的某一天 moment().date() moment().get('date') (16)获取一个星期中的某一天 moment().day() // (0~6, 0: Sunday, 6: Saturday) moment().weekday() // (0~6, 0: Sunday, 6: Sa...
* @param i*/getLastWeek(i) { let weekOfDay= parseInt(moment().format('E'));//计算今天是这周第几天let last_monday = moment().subtract(weekOfDay + 7 * i - 1, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD');//周一日期let last_sunday = moment().subtract(weekOfDay + 7 * (i - 1), 'days...
endOf('isoWeek') # 获取当前月最后一天23时59分59秒moment().endOf('month') 获取当月第一天是星期几: # 用于设置星期几,其中星期日为 0、星期六为 6 moment().startOf('month').day() 获取前n天 / 后n天 moment().add(7, 'days'); moment().subtract(7, 'days') 比较两个时间的大小: #...
moment("20111031", "YYYYMMDD").fromNow();// 13 years agomoment("20120620", "YYYYMMDD").fromNow();// 13 years agomoment().startOf('day').fromNow();// 17 hours agomoment().endOf('day').fromNow();// in 7 hoursmoment().startOf('hour').fromNow();// 14 minutes ago ...
Addedmoment.fn.endOf()andmoment.fn.startOf(). Added validation viamoment.fn.isValid(). Made formatting method 3x faster.http://jsperf.com/momentjs-cached-format-functions Add support for month/weekday callbacks inmoment.fn.format()
feat: add getWeek (#673) 2个月前 renovate.json Update renovate.json 6年前 tsconfig.declaration.base.json chore: Upgrade ts and improve types/tests of invalid scenarios (#650) 2年前 yarn.lock chore(deps): use date-fns-jalali v3 (#669) ...
We are able to get through the winter for the moment.我们暂时能够熬过冬天。像 of the moment 这样没有明确上下文的特指很常见,所指的都是大家共识的事物或所共同处于的时空,又如 of the day 可以特指当今或当天,of the year 可以特指本年度,等等;例如:Pessimism seems to be the order of the ...
moment().get('seconds'); //17 //获取 今天星期几 moment().format('dddd'); //Tuesday moment().format('d'); //2 moment().day(); //2(0~6 分别代表周日到周六) moment().weekday(); //2(0~6 分别代表周日到周六) moment().isoWeekday(); //2(1~7 分别代表周一到周日) ...
Day of Week in three letters, followed by an optional comma. (optional) Day of Month (1 or 2 digit), followed by a three-letter month and 2 or 4 digit year Two-digit hours and minutes separated by a colon (:), followed optionally by another colon and seconds in 2-digits ...