javascript代码 function getDate(timezone) { timezone; //目标时区时间,东八区 var offset...
代码语言:txt 复制 // 获取当前时间 var now = moment(); // 设置目标时间为当前时间加上24小时 var targetTime = now.add(24, 'hours'); // 定义更新倒计时的函数 function updateCountdown() { // 获取当前时间 var currentTime = moment(); // 计算剩余时间 var remainingTime = moment.duration...
III. Methods for manipulating the date/timeAddSubtract addSeconds($s) subtractSeconds($s) addMinutes($i) subtractMinutes($i) addHours($h) subtractHours($h) addDays($d) subtractDays($d) addWeeks($w) subtractWeeks($w) addMonths($m) subtractMonths($m) addYears($y) subtractYears($y)IV...
Added timezones to parser and formatter. Addedmoment.fn.isDST. Addedmoment.fn.zoneto get the timezone offset in minutes. 1.1.2See milestone Various bugfixes Added time specific diffs (months, days, hours, etc) 1.1.0 Addedmoment.fn.formatlocalized masks. 'L LL LLL LLLL'issue 29 ...
moment().toArray()// [years, months, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds] moment().toObject() // {years: xxxx, months: x, date: xx ...} 转化为JavaScript原生Date对象 moment().toDate()newDate(moment()) 将Moment时间转换为JavaScript原生Date对象 ...
// return current && current < moment().endOf('day');//包含当前天以前 }, 1. 大于当前日期不能选 time > moment() 小于当前日期不能选 time < moment().subtract(1, “days”) 只能选前7后7 time < moment().subtract(7, “days”) || time > moment().add(7, ‘d’) ...
$ node relative_time.js 182 have passed since the start of the year. The day will end in 360 minutes. The day will come in 10 years. Moment.js checking validity We can use theisValidmethod to check if the date and time object is valid. ...
(Object)// 设置年份moment().add(1,'years')moment().add({years:1})// 设置月份moment().add(1,'months')// 设置日期moment().add(1,'days')// 设置星期moment().add(1,'weeks')// 设置小时moment().add(1,'hours')// 设置分钟moment().add(1,'minutes')// 设置秒数moment().add(1,...
moment().add(7,'days').subtract(1,'months').year(2009).hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0); 1、加减法# add()/subtract() Copy moment().add(7,'days');moment().add(7,'days').add(1,'months');// with chainingmoment().add({days:7,months:1});// with object literalmoment().add...
505 moment-timezone) 506 * [1893]( Add moment.isDate method 507 * [1825]( Implement toJSON function on Duration 508 * [1809]( Allowing moment.set...