作者介绍了购买Moment lens 18mm广角镜头的原因,以图文结合的方式对产品进行开箱,并附上多张在IKEA随拍的样品,介绍了Moment lens镜头效果和使用体验。感谢什么值得买值友欲加之罪的用心分享。
18mm、60mm还有个微距,其实这个还是蛮好选的,毕竟只是手机,拍到才是最重要的18mm跟新出的微距对我诱惑还是很大,但是考虑到新镜头没见过测评,而我手头上一直缺个广角(单反最广也知道24mm),下单,顺便带回来两个镜头盖,虽说不便宜,两个要到了9.99刀,但是比淘宝上的99元强了不少 看了半天,最后选择从美国走转运过...
O-Series Front Lens Cap - 18mm Wide, Fisheye 15mm, Tele 60mm, Macro In Stock $5.00 Add Moment 5 (24) Front Lens Cap - Tele 58mm + Wide 18mm + Macro 75mm - M-Series In Stock•2 Options $5.00 Add Moment 4.5 (17) Front Lens Cap - 1.33x & 1.55x Anamorphic Lens (All Series) ...
Moment 18mm ultrawide conversion lens (takes no filters, 2.7 oz./75g, $118) on an iPhone Xs Max case. bigger. I'd get mine at Amazon.This 100% all-content, junk-free website's biggest source of support is when you use those or any of these links to my personally-approved sources ...
Read about the Moment mobile lenses and which is right for you, including the T-Series Wide 18mm, Tele 58mm, Fisheye 14mm, Macro 10x, and Anamorphic.
Moment Lens的广角镜头拥有18mm的超广角,可以让你拍到更多的风景,视野增加近一倍。并且成片边缘几乎无畸变、无暗角,这已经强于市面上你能买到绝大多数手机外接镜头了。成片效果,甩开那些一两百元的同类产品几条街。 Moment Lens的长焦镜头可以增距2倍之多,让你离拍摄的主体更加靠近;尤其是在那些你无法走近的地方,...
最好的手机广角镜头,momentlens多图慎入 18mm等效,也有60mm.下面全是我自己拍的。有需要的联系我。 来自iphone6吧 wangtaowow1234 wangtaowow123403-03 63 再赞波特曼演技,Jackie奥斯卡moment暴击 整部影片都充满了oscar moment, 几乎所有镜头都在波曼脸上,超强的表演,今年理所应当的影后,只可惜…… 来自奥斯卡...
s Wide 18mm lens is better than the iPhone’s main shooter, but it has its advantages if you look closely. The increased depth of field in the picture on the right leaves more in-focus tomatoes versus the naked iPhone wide camera on the left. The Moment lens also grabbed more of the ...
Moment wid..18mm太广了……把稳定器的logo圆臂也入境了……试过靠左一点(一个指甲空位),还是会拍到……看来只能在pr里放大10%了……
The phone app and accessories company Moment has released its T-Series lens range – its first since the M-Series in 2017 or, for some context, iPhone 7. Let’s look at the details. The range consists of eight new lenses but with familiar focal lengths. There are two anamorphic designs...