Mom Jeans并不是萝卜裤,尽管两者都具有显瘦的特性,适合下半身偏胖的身材。 Mom Jeans与萝卜裤在版型上有所不同。 Mom Jeans的特点是高腰设计,强调腰线,臀部剪裁较为贴身,裤管自膝盖以下呈直筒状,逐渐变宽至脚踝。而萝卜裤的裤脚通常是收口的,且不一定有高腰设计。关于Mom Jeans的搭配技巧:1. ...
对于梨形身材的朋友们,其实有很多种裤型可以选择,但今天我想重点聊聊其中一种我认为最不容易出错的裤型——Mom Jeans👖。 Mom Jeans的特点 👖Mom Jeans的裤型特点是高腰、臀部贴合、大腿部分宽松,裤口略收。大体上,它可以分为修身版和宽松版两种,但总体来说,剪裁线条都是自上而下由宽渐窄,有点像锥形裤。
Zara What we like Classic straight leg Something to note No stretch Sizes: 0 - 14 |Colors: 3 According to Imm, Zara is another great spot to find the popular style. The brand's Mom Fit Jeans look like the perfect nostalgia-inspired addition to your wardrobe. The five pocket jeans come...
mom jeans并不是是萝卜裤,它和萝卜裤在版型上面还是有着一定的区别的,不过两种裤子的共同点就是都很显瘦,尤其适合下半身肥胖的人。mom jeans是萝卜裤吗 不是。mom jeans 的裤管呈倒三角形状,长度大概至脚踝,高腰设计强调腰线,臀部位置剪裁也相对贴身。mom jeans和萝卜裤区别 jeans特点一定...
Kendall身上这款水洗蓝的Mom Jeans真是怎么搭配都又好看又有型。即使是过度性感的露脐小吊带也显得俏皮而不低俗。 Marques Almeida 网红小白身上这款偏宽松的花苞式腰带Mom Jeans让她看起来青春无敌。 Zara Mom Jeans其实不仅可以休闲还可以穿出正式感,刘诗诗这套搭配很好的证明了这一点。通过搭配浅色直筒牛仔裤和粗呢...
Ever since “Saturday Night Live” had skits about “mom jeans,” it became a term used by a younger generation to identify extremely unhip middle-aged women (who may or may not have been a mom) wearing high-waisted jeans with excess fabric around the top part and the thighs. But now...
How to style mom jeans? That was the question which intrigued me when I spotted this particular pair of mom jeans at Zara. I love to wear jeans and I find trashed, vintage looking denim super cool too but I have never been into mom jeans, therefore I had no clue how to look effortle...
「Mon Jeans」 之前有复古的「Mon Jeans」,是高腰剪裁加上略宽松的直脚裤管之牛仔裤的潮流。 「Dad Jeans」 后面又来了「Dad Jeans」取而代之地兴起,裤腿呈直筒状,没有那么高腰设计和显腰形。 「Dad Sneaker」 Ugly fashion风潮浪尖的老爹鞋,笨重、粗犷、厚实……不过最重要的特点是缺货!想必,关于那么火爆的...
Zara Mom Jeans其实不仅可以休闲还可以穿出正式感,刘诗诗这套搭配很好的证明了这一点。通过搭配浅色直筒牛仔裤和粗呢外套出席Chanel的活动显得既优雅又帅气。 III 深蓝 深蓝色的Mom Jeans其实是非常显瘦的,也很好搭配,大家可以像Kendall这样搭配格纹衬衫,保证让你帅气度爆表~ ...
1. Mom jeans Nathan Congleton / TODAY Before you flinch, yes it's true! The so-called mom jean — a high-rise style that hugs the waist and flatters the bum — is back in a big way. For a more mature style, try dressing the jeans up with a tweed shirt and sexy heels. ...