but my clothes fit looser and I feel great. I didn’t at all change what I ate and just stuck to what I generally do at home, I might of had wine every night but that’s all I changed I promise. It got me thinking that if you stick to what you do everyday and don’t act ...
Lately I need a little more fresh air after being cooped up inside all afternoon, so we grab the soccer ball for a little “footie”. (His dad is part British and we say it cheekily but now it stuck). Kicking the ball, chasing it, chasing each other, sprints to keep it from rolli...
a bag in each hand. And when the weather was cold or rainy, we’d take the bus. When I turned into a mama, we drove to Meijer instead. I buckled my littles in the cart seat and we made a bee line directly for the donuts. They munched and chattered while I shopped....
supervising play, cleaning up messes, breaking up sibling fights, who sometimes feels stuck in an endless cycle of laundry, who loves her children deeply but every now and then doubts her worthiness, we see you.
Our children still talk about Eric getting his hand stuck in the toilet on our first RV trip. He manually unplugged our clogged toilet. (We had not yet learned proper RV toilet usage and the result was major yuck!) There are plenty of things to do in an RV. Our children read books ...
local emergency clinic, putting any family plans on hold. When planning staycation activities, you can pivot if something doesn’t go as planned. You are in your home, and you have access to more options than when you are in an unknown city where you might end up stuck inside a hotel ...
It sounded all glitchy and fuzzy. When I heard it at first, I thought something was wrong with my iPad (I dropped it in a sink full of water earlier) I thought that water got stuck in my microphone. Thank y’all so much for reading this review. The last thing I would like to sa...
My husband’s family has never been super keen on me breastfeeding(although his immediate family has become more and more open to it over the years!), and I remember actually looking forward to the times my oldest daughter and I had alone in the back room of a relative’s house where ...
And herein lies my true stuck and quandarous (I know it’s not in the dictionary, but it is truly perfect in this instance so I am using it) circumstance. I left the folk circuit behind and do not intend to return to it. I can honestly say that it was a right and healthy ...
so if you come to Spurlingville on a Thursday morning and hear a lot of moaning you will know its just me trying to touch my toes, Carol doing in her knee, Uncle Michael two trying to get his right and left straight, and the rest trying not to get stuck in any position, including...