I had this really great bug to post. It was really funny. But damn if I didn't totally forget it. Oop, Spongebob is on. Gotta go. Dude. Current Mood:i think i'm feeling it (53 Comments|Comment on this) Thursday, April 19th, 2007 ...
Websites like Google and YouTube use April Fools’ Day to prank the public with fake videos and announcements (like last year’s Pokémon Challenge)—but they didn’t start the trend. On April 1, 1957, the British Broadcasting Corporation told viewers that there had been an “exceptionally ...
Tom Segura and Christina P start this episode of YMH off by discussing damaged girls, and Tom's experiences with them. They watch a white Black Lives Matter activist explain his use of big words, a prank in which a dude lights his friend on fire, a guy that can crack his peener, ...
14. Band-Aid Prank The elves made a bit of a mess! But my girls thought this elf prank was SO funny!! Elf on the Shelf Printable with 25 Ideas: I also created this FREE Elf on the Shelf Printable with super easy ideas for the whole month! Here’s What Our Elf on the Shelf Did...
the happy birthday drive-thru prank, and the feedback they've received from the mommies about Charo's OnlyFans. Speaking of that, Tommy spends most this episode trying to convince her that it's an amazing idea, because duh, it's the best idea. They also check out some TikToks, Charo ...
Children at the beach build every barrier their fingers can construct to trap the ocean on the shore, yet it always gets away. And so it is with life: we try desperately to construct the perfect day so that time will stand still, our loved ones will be with us forever and our ...
GTA 5 Online Funny Moments Gameplay 3 - Jerking, Golf Cart, Invisible Train Glitch (Multiplayer) 3 人观看 12:01 Gmod Hide and Seek Funny Moments - Minecraft Edition! (Garry's Mod) 11 人观看 11:17 H1Z1 - Co-op Moments Ep. 3 (Driving trucks, Landmine Troll, Flying Man, Zombie Clutch...
There are some things women just shouldn’t do but football is not one of them. I will teach her, she will learn. I might have to try and play football just to prove a point. That would be funny. I should video that too. Watch this space. ...
Lol: Woman Plays Ingenious Prank On Spam Caller That Makes Him Immediately Hang Up! 251,528 Jun 29, 2021 As She Should: Mom Whose Baby Died Alone While She Had A 10-Day Vacation Gets Sentenced To Life In Prison! 102,589 Mar 20, 2024 ...
"Why Can't You Rap On Beat?" Blueface Walks Out Of Interview With Funny Marco After He Was Unable To Name 3 Of His Songs! 157,764 Dec 05, 2023 Wild Story: Woman Claims Her Mom Had An Affair With Former Mayor Of Detroit And He Paid Police To...