BLEVIO长餐桌 ARC户外桌子 MARTEEN COFFEE TABLE茶几 ROUND D.154.5休闲椅 DEDALO地毯 MARTEEN组合沙发 MARGOU休闲椅 HECTOR NIGHT衣帽间 D.847.1餐桌 CORBA地毯 505 UP SYSTEM书柜 505 UP SIDEBOARD餐边柜 ANTON 长凳 EUSTON 短凳 共242条1234567下一页最末页意俱...
Milan 2013:Foster + Partners has designed a coffee table made by stretching a perforated disk of steel upwards to form a metal-mesh base.More Molteni&C Sofa Chats: Nigel Coates In this the final interview in our series ofMolteni&CSofa Chats conducted at100% Designin London last month, Brit...
Molteni&C是意大利现代奢华家具的先行代表, 因常与国际顶尖设计师合作,其家具也代表着时尚潮流的设计,尤其是在细节上,可以看到前瞻的设计思维和创新材料,可以这么说,Molteni&C赋予了家具生命和灵魂。本期合和舍为大家带来三款Molteni&C衣柜,来看看Molteni&C是如何将优雅与创新结合的。 GLISS MASTER衣柜 GLISS MASTER衣...
Molteni&C衣帽间:“强烈”的现代设计和灵活的高级感 Molteni&C采用标志性的外观,并赋予简单、现代的设计风格,并在此过程中创造出值得被收藏的衣帽间系统——Hector Night。 Hector Night作为全新的衣帽间概念,受到原始Hector同名书柜系列家具与设计师"强烈的现代和灵活的表现力"的启发,致力于夜间区域的优雅演变。
It is the flip side of Grado°, the collection that explores the form of a void. It is the mould as design, the template transferred and shifted that becomes micro architecture, and exceeds all disciplinary boundaries. SEE PRODUCT DesignFOSTER + PARTNERS Vicino Table SMALL TABLES As in ...