🎨 Molteni&C最新推出的LOUISA亮光烤漆茶几,以其浓郁的奶油风格在家具界掀起了一阵热潮。这款茶几的设计师们纷纷效仿,力求在设计中注入更多的创意和灵感。🌟 LOUISA茶几的清新色系令人眼前一亮,搭配起来非常舒适,适合各种家居风格。其亮光烤漆工艺不仅触感细腻,还提升了整体的美感。🌳 材质上,这款茶几采用了全北美...
除传统直线及转角元素外,Octave 也设计有躺椅及矮凳的开放式元素,可与其他元素组合使用。 Louisa 茶几 设计:Vincent Van Duysen Louisa 系列的圆形和椭圆形茶几采用实木和混凝土材质制成,承重结构为圆锥形的底座,富有创新的触感和美感。 Walter 扶手椅 设计:Vincent Van Duysen Walter 扶手椅源自斯堪的纳维亚典型的工艺...
Walter扶手椅 设计:Vincent Van Duysen Walter源自斯堪的纳维亚典型的工艺传统,是一款由坚实的灰木架制成的小扶手椅,涂上黑橡木或桉树色,靠背和扶手合二为一。扶手椅的轻松风格由对比的元素打造而成:优雅的框架与柔软的座位。Louisa茶几 设计:Vincent Van Duysen 这一系列圆形和椭圆形茶几采用实木和混凝土材质制...
Elain、Walter和Gillis扶手椅、Louisa咖啡桌、Hector书柜和Adrien餐具柜都是由Vincent Van Duysen精心设计打造。其他标志性的Molteni&C产品也融合其中,Gio Ponti设计的D.859.1桌子,Yabu Pushelberg设计的Surf沙发,Patricia Urquiola设计的Asterias桌子,Foster+Partners设计的AVA桌子和由Rodolfo Dordoni设计的Devon扶手椅。Molteni...
客厅是家中最多面多样的空间,可以好友交谈、独处、工作、家人欢愉的聚集地。无论是造型严谨的OCTAVEA组合沙发,不同寻常的模块化功能多样的设计,还是视觉搭配的Louisa精致茶几和Hector书柜都能让你沉浸在设计师Vincent Van Duysen精心打造的作品中享受品质生活。
Louisa coffee tables DesignVincent Van Duysen Porta Volta chairs DesignHerzog & de Meuron Blevio tables DesignIgnazio Gardella Janet chairs DesignVincent Van Duysen Living Box single units DesignVincent Van Duysen Cleo sofas DesignVincent Van Duysen ...
to the processing of my personal data to receive marketing communications (by automated and traditional means) from MOLTENI & C. - S.p.A., as described in point B) of the Privacy Policy I consent to theprofiling activities to the processing of my personal data for profiling purposes and to...
在入口处,有两把HERITAGE系列里由著名设计师GIO PONTI设计的D.154.5圆形扶手椅。与创意总监VINCENTVAN DUYSEN设计的LOUISA咖啡桌搭配,创造了与挑高天花板形成对比的温馨融合的空间。 简约线条与纯粹材料,呈现质感十足的现代空间,MOLTENI&C,赋予空间丰富的视觉享受。澳燊国际集团深圳华南3000平方米展厅欢迎您。
Louisa coffee tables Design Vincent Van Duysen Porta Volta chairs Design Herzog & de Meuron Blevio tables Design Ignazio Gardella Janet chairs Design Vincent Van Duysen Living Box single units Design Vincent Van Duysen Cleo sofas Design Vincent Van Duysen Continuum D.163.7...
to the processing of my personal data to receive marketing communications (by automated and traditional means) from MOLTENI & C. - S.p.A., as described in point B) of the Privacy Policy I consent to theprofiling activities to the processing of my personal data for profiling purposes and to...