17、When pouringmoltenglass onto themoltentin, the underside of the glass would also be perfectly flat.(当把玻璃液倒在锡液上时,玻璃的底面也会变得完全平整。) 18、Remember, magma is hotmoltenrock that's underground, and it is called lava when it reaches the surface.(记住,岩浆是地下炽热的熔...
Remember, magma is hot molten rock that's underground, and it is called lava when it reaches the surface. 9. The latter two sources are limited to those few areas where surface water seeps down through underground faults or fractures to reach deep rocks heated by the recent activity of mo...
whichmakesupthemantleunderneathoceaniccrust.Asarockisbroughtupwhichmakesupthemantleunderneathoceaniccrust.Asarockisbroughtup fromdepthtothefromdepthtothesolidussolidusitbeginstomelt,andasitreachestheitbeginstomelt,andasitreachestheliquidusliquidusitwillitwill ...
Thepastparticipleofmelt adj. 1. moltenrock,metal,orglasshasbecomeliquidbecauseitisveryhot 例句 Thouperhaps hastmadetheheavenswithhim,whichare moststrong,asif they wereofmoltenbrass. 你岂能同他展开苍天,使它坚固如铸成的铜镜? Sometimesmagmareachesthesurfacethroughvolcanoes.Thenthemoltenrockiscalledlava. ...
美[ˈmoʊlt(ə)n] 英[ˈməʊltən] adj.熔化的;熔融的 v.“melt”的过去分词 网络摩腾;熔火;熔铸的 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 molten. adj. 1. 熔化的;熔融的heated to a very high temperature so that it becomes liquid ...
In all cases, salt in the irradiated region rarely reaches the far side of the foil (Fig. 2c–e), while salt readily penetrates through the foil in the unirradiated region (Fig. 2f–h). The corrosion is quite localized in our experiments such that the depth of corrosion varies ...
When planets are born by accreting rubble and enduring collisions with other protoplanets, they become so hot that their entire surface is covered in an ocean of molten rock. This magma eventually cools to form a silicate-rich mantle and solid crust overlying a deep core of molten iron that ...
The bidisperse packed bed, consisting of a mixture of sand and stones, had a void fraction of 27 %. Multiple cycles were carried out and analyzed in different ways. A smaller scale investigation of a system that used quarzite rock with a diameter of 40 mm and a void fraction of 41.0 %...
Molten rock, slag, glass etc. 14 flows from the discharge 12 of the furnace 10 to the cylindrical or slightly coned rotors 18, 20 mounted respectively on shafts 22, 26 so that rotor 18 is tilted with respect to 20. In the example given the rotor 20 is on a horizontal axis and ...
As covalency begins to play a larger role in the molten phase, the geometry of rocksalt structures, typically with the cubic space groups or high-symmetry crystals, the unit cell begins to adopt a noncuboidal geometry, “bowing” out the otherwise ionic, linear bonds toward the molecular–orbi...