FromScience Magazine Looking at it, one wonders: Is this sculpture distinctive because volcanoes in central Java are spiritual sites, so molten material thrown up from deep within the earth inflects the art’s intended meaning? FromLos Angeles Times ...
This lends itself to a mean of 109.5 degrees, meaning bond angles and lengths are changing (Dove et al., 1997; Swainson and Dove, 1993). Dative bonding and nonrigid FBeF geometries and bond lengths promote the propensity for BeF2 to form polymeric systems in the solid state, like the ...
Dα ¼ 1 6t tl!im1Dδri ðtÞ2 E ; ð10Þ where hjδriðtÞj2i is the mean square displacement of the element α, meaning: square the displacements δr of each particle i at various times t and then take the average. The six in the denominator results from ...
k Average, normalized corrosion depth using data from the 10% deepest corroded regions of each sample, as illustrated by the light red bar in j. Diagonal-filled bars represent data from corrosion/irradiation region. Solid bars represent data from corrosion only region. Meaning of colors is the ...
The large block on the left represents the gamepad’s buttons, theAND2gate (“2” meaning “two inputs”, although there are, as yet, no AND gates with more) combines the two button signals, and theactivateinput of thehalui_estop.100block puts the machine into Emergency Stop state when...
The temperature of the partial region was higher than 1473 K, but lower than 2643 K, meaning that m-ZrO2 was transformed into t-ZrO2. No phase transition occurs in areas where the temperature is less than 1473 K. The second possibility is that under the high temperature of the molten ...
Figure 4 displays the Y K-edge Fourier transform data, with the EXAFS signals obtained in the range of 3 < K < 11.5 Å using a Hanning window. The first peak, meaning Y-O bonding, appeared at approximately 1.75 Å, and the difference in the first cation–oxygen distances between Y-...
The first fluid fueled reactors were built during the Manhattan project. They were Aqueous Homogeneous Reactors (AHR), meaning they were solutions of uranium or plutonium in water. These small reactors were primarily used to study plutonium. Later (concurrently to MSR development), several AHR test...
They all automatically follow the load, meaning that if less heat is used there is less fission producing heat. Reducing CO2 in the Oceans Carbon dioxide in the air enters the oceans, making acid. The acid is already killing plankton and other ocean life: the carbonic acid dissolves their ...
30 mL·min1andt= 1070 °C) is obtained for homogeneous gas phase reaction due to the long residence time (70 s), the presence of tin leads to a sharp decrease of residence time (1 s), obtaining a conversion of 35% at 1070 °C, thus meaning that tin owns a role in the reaction...