The real-life Molly Bloom. British-bornIdris Elbais excellent as Bloom's lawyer, Charlie Jaffey, who is one of the few characters that is not based on someone from Bloom's real life. Jaffey reluctantly agrees to represent Bloom when she needs him the most. Bloom's father is playe...
Idris Elba's character Charlie Jaffey (left) is almost entirely fictional. Aaron Sorkin did not create him to represent Molly Bloom's real-life lawyer Jim Walden (right). Did Molly Bloom become addicted to drugs? Yes. In researching how accurateMolly's Gameis, we discovered that as the ga...
who plays her father Larry Bloom, Idris Elba, who plays Bloom's trial lawyer Charlie Jaffey, and Michael Cera, who plays the mysterious 'player X' (it's not clear which out of the real-life A-lister celebrities – such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck or Matt Damon – his character ...
Molly's Game: Regia di Aaron Sorkin. Con Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner, Michael Cera. La vera storia di Molly Bloom, una sciatrice olimpionica che ha organizzato il club di poker più esclusivo del mondo con poste in gioco altissime ed è d
Much like Molly Bloom’s story, this film offers a riveting insight into how different characters navigate moral complications and mounting pressures. The blend of real-life intrigue with cinematic storytelling promises a gripping experience rich with emotional intensity. Actors: Michelle Williams, ...
Inspired by Bloom’s memoir of the same name, “Molly’s Game” bounces back and forth in time between Molly’s arrest by the FBI for running an illegal gambling operation and her efforts to persuade a New York lawyer (an excellentIdris Elba) to represent her and flashbacks to how she ...
Chastain, herself an Oscar nominee, stars in the film as the real-life underground poker phenom, Molly Bloom. After spending time as an Olympic-class skier, Bloom infamously made a name for herself in the world of high-stakes poker. Molly's Game tracks the many underground poker games that...
In this case, that “something better” turned out to be Molly’s Game, with Sorkin not only directing but also penning this absorbing adaptation of Molly Bloom’s exhaustively titled book Molly’s Game: From Hollywood’s Elite to Wall Street’s Billionaire Boys Club, My Hi...
Molly's Game: Regia di Aaron Sorkin. Con Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner, Michael Cera. La vera storia di Molly Bloom, una sciatrice olimpionica che ha organizzato il club di poker più esclusivo del mondo con poste in gioco altissime ed è d
Molly's Game makes changes to the true story, including the introduction of a fictional lawyer, but many events involving Player X and the high stakes of the poker games remain true to the book.Given that there is a big-name celebrity behind the mysterious identity, many still wonder who ...