Molecules are just at least two atoms bonded together, this includes atoms that are the same (such as two oxygen atoms) and atoms that are different (such as one sodium atom (Na) and one chlorine atom (Cl)). Examples: O3 , H2O , H2SO4 , NaCl , H2 Compound Examples: Compounds are...
Perhaps the most common example of an ionic compound is table salt, NaCl. A neutral sodium atom (Na) has no charge, but if that atom were to lose an electron, it would become a sodium ion with a net charge of +1. Similarly, a neutral Chlorine atom has no charge, but if that atom...
The terms molecule, compound, and atom can be confusing! Here's an explanation of what a molecule is (and is not) with examples of common molecules. Molecule Definition A molecule is two or moreatomsthat form chemical bonds with each other, representing the smallest unit of a chemical compou...
A molecule is a unit or particle that consists of two or more atoms that are chemically held together; the number of atomic nuclei making up a molecule is a determinate number. For instance, HCl is a molecule consisting of one hydrogenatombonded to one chlorine atom. It is made of two a...
Atom An extremely small part, quantity, or amount. Molecule (chemistry) The smallest particle of a specific element or compound that retains the chemical properties of that element or compound; two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Hydrogen chloride is a diatomic molecule, consisting...
They will be almost certainly outnumbering true positives in the VLS hitlist, even though in a less demanding setting of, say, 50/50 or 10/90 active/inactive compound mix the score might have nicely separate them. In this context, the most efficient use of two scoring functions is to look...
The reference compound 13 exhibits a U-shaped conformation with the 6-position carbon of the pyridine ring and the nitrogen atom of the carbamate moiety oriented towards each other. The interatomic distance between the two atoms is determined to be 5.2 Å, offering logical connection points for...
atom系一种element入面最细而且不能分割的部份,而Ion是由于atom/molecule得到或者失去electron时而令atom/molecule中的正负电荷失衡,得到净正或负电荷,咁ion都系element入面最细而且不能分割的部份?polyatomic ion系多过一个 atom 的 ion,咁他算不算系compound?
Molecule definition: the smallest physical unit of an element or compound, consisting of one or more like atoms in an element and two or more different atoms in a compound.. See examples of MOLECULE used in a sentence.
We implemented TamGen with three modules: (1) compound decoder, a GPT-like chemical language model and the core component of TamGen, which lays the foundation for compound generation in chemical space; (2) protein encoder, a Transformer-based model used to encode the binding pockets of target...